I love muthu!

Got this in the email from Raymond’s elder sister – Serene. Quite funny! Hahaha!   MUTHU & THE INTERVIEWER* Interviewer: ‘What is your birth date?’ Muthu : ’13th October.’ Interviewer : ‘Which year?’ Muthu :...

The Evil Birdies and a Rudey.

Hmm… Today I found out about something which i find it a littleĀ amusing. A friend of mine directed me to this particular website and asked meĀ if “Raymond Phang” who left a comment there is the botak Raymond Phang all of us know, or some random Rudey...

Back to Reality

Actually we’re all back from Melbourne already. Too much stuffs to do, backlogs to clear, emails to reply, and a whole lot of people to meet. Plus the beginning of our kick boxing exercise, and my Yoga lesson, totally shagged out already. Luckily Belly Dancing...