Amanda Lee Weddings

Amanda Lee Weddings

Wow wow wow! Besides being so good in Photography, Raymond is damn good at IT & Networking stuffs too! Well, at least that's what he studied during his Polytechnic days. Every time we have any IT or networking related issues in the office, Raymond is the man! So...

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The Mini Boss goes Gai Gai

The Mini Boss goes Gai Gai

Raymond went for his high key reservist last week, which is still ongoing currently. Over the weekend he was allowed to book out, so after he was done with his work which was already 7pm when he got back, we took Mini boss out for a stroll. I got this tricycle for her...

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This entry was typed over two days cos the mini boss was a little over demanding. Yesterday, I finished the jar of porridge that i cooked for the mini boss. Porridge cooked with salmon fish stock, organic toufu, sweet corn, shiitake mushroom, cabbage, new crop rice....

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Yum Yum for my Tum Tum: SUMO BIG PRAWN NOODLE

Yum Yum for my Tum Tum: SUMO BIG PRAWN NOODLE

Are you a fan of prawn noodle? I’m not really a fan of prawn noodle, cos I don’t like the soup. It makes me feel thirsty every time I drink the soup. But I love prawns! So I got curious to try the prawn noodle from this particular hawker stall since I heard about...

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The day my Pen Pal got married

The day my Pen Pal got married

Watah!! Angeline is on a roll! Second proper blog entry! Last night was horrible, mini boss was being cranky, so Angeline showered the mini boss and tried to put mini boss to bed. After much struggle, mini boss finally slept at around 9ish. Then, big boss returned at...

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