If it’s the first time you have heard about Raymond Phang Photography, you probably won’t know that we have a chihuahua in our office. In fact, 2 chihuahuas in the office. And sometimes a random super fat kitty cat who’ll sleep on our door mat every once in a while in the middle of the night. Animals are really adorable, but of course if you decide to keep a pet, please be a responsible pet owner and not abandon them when they grow all old and sickly, or if you feel that they are not cute anymore ok? 🙂


Since today is a Sunday, I shall share some pictures of Satin the popular chihuahua we have here. She’s really popular because she is so tame, gentle and quiet. Just like one of the awesome doggies in Cesar Milan’s (Dog Whisperer) pack! You won’t even notice her existence because I can sit her beside me at a meet up, keep on chatting with couples and she’ll just stay still until she dozes off. Even my relatives who are afraid of dogs love her to bits when I brought her along for CNY visits earlier this year. 🙂


Pardon the noisy and soft images. My dying camera is showing lots of rainbow disco spots (coloured pixels) and I had to clear them off digitally. The softness is due to my copy of the Nikon 50mm f1.4 lens. I call it the Lemon lens because it’s so old already and the focusing is so soft. But I still use it anyway.


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Satin Watin the Ah Tin with a pinky nose! 🙂


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She wears a sad face most of the time and you can’t help but to shower her with more love. She’s even better than Puss in Boots with the pity-me look!


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But unlike Puss in Boots, Satin is really super shy. Only when she opens up to you she’ll wag her tail non stop and come to you for a belly rub. 🙂


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She loves hiding in unexpected corners and sometimes when she goes into hiding, she won’t even respond when you call her name. I found her hiding in the room underneath the hanging clothes.


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She loves gai gai and she’ll go crazy when she sees the leash. Just wish we have more time to bring the doggies out for a walk.


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One of my favourite angle of her. So cute!!! 🙂


Some people thinks I’m a tai tai, don’t need to work, just shake leg and get spoon fed with anything I want. But unfortunately the world doesn’t work that way, money don’t drop from the sky. Some people actually thinks I shoot, I wish I could but unfortunately I don’t because I’m not good at it. I sling my dying micro four third Olympus with my C-Mount lenses on my neck like a tourist and snap random pictures. Some people still want me to shoot even though I’ve shown normal snaps that can be taken by anyone with a compact camera, that I feel honored and will remember you forever for thinking so highly of me. Hahaha!


But the pros are pros, so let’s just leave the right person to do the right job. At Raymond Phang Photography, all of us have our individual roles. Raymond and Ben shoots, Sulin shoots occasionally but as a highly specialised digital plastic surgeon, she handles the editing work for all the big project. Gotta see her serious face at work man. Put on a robe and surgical mask for her and she really does look like a surgeon. Hahaha~ As for me, you’ll continue to see my name on blog sign offs, on facebook, on twitter, on email, on snail mail, you’ll see my number on your mobile phone, and my face at conceptualised pre-wed shoots and also meet ups. I will be everywhereeeeee! Muwahahahahahaha!!


Oh don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/rpp_loves_you! We’ll share images taken on actual day weddings/conceptualised pre-weddings and those images are so random that we don’t know where to put them on Facebook so you’ll only see them on Twitter. Also we’re thinking of dishing out promos via Twitter, so only the true supporter who follows every bit of news on us will get the benefit. Oh yeah!! 🙂


Have a great weekend! 🙂


Lots of Love,