Apologies for the lack of updates, our Calendar was supposed to be relatively empty for February, but a lot of last minute bookings and activities came up which got all of us mad busy!

Raymond and Ben are out covering the Photography for the Singapore Airshow 2012, Susu is away in Vietnam with her two other friends, and I just returned from the Highlands! The most burnt out ones are Raymond and Ben cos their daily schedule is mad hectic. But luckily we have Lao Woon, Shermie, Ryan and Uncle Larry to help out! Lao Woon even kena Eczema from all the burning sun and also the rain and had to see the doctor because of that. So I say, Raymond will need to give him an Oatmeal Bath sometime soon to thank him for his help. LOL!

Anyway here are some of the actual day images from Efran and Esther’s Actual Day Wedding uploaded onto our Raymond Phang Photograpy Facebook Page if you haven’t Liked us on Facebook. (:
I just found out today that neither Efran nor Esther knew who the guy was… HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Interesting… 😛

And so I went to the Highlands… Genting Highlands… I brought my phone with International auto roaming. End up my Phone decided to go on a holiday of its own… totally no signal when I reached Genting Highlands… which is good and also bad… Good thing is I can really take a break, but bad thing is I was constantly worried about the running of the office and the ongoing photoshoots. But glad everything went on well! 🙂

So here are some of the snaps I snapped with my Pok Chui. I lugged along my 14-42mm kit lens, my Samyang 8mm Fisheye lens, and also my 25mm f1.4 Fujinon lens.
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Outside the DNV building at Science Park waiting for the coach. The trip was supposed to be a team building trip organised by DNV [Det Norske Veritas]. I tagged along with my parents and in-laws. Raymond was supposed to be on the trip too, but last minute he couldn’t make it.

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At the reception… this one got to be my favourite. Muwahahahahaha! Look like they were punching each other but actually they were just signalling and passing the writing material around. So sometimes pictures can really deceive. :p

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Our coach was pretty spacious, comfy and even had a mini TV for each individual seat. The available channels were limited though, but good enough for my Mum who kept laughing when she was watching the Chinese variety show.

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Bye bye Singapore.

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Raymond bought me the Fisheye few years back for my Birthday, but so far I have only used for less than 3-4 times (90% of the time is spent resting or used by Susu) so I wasn’t accustomed to it at all and when fixed on Pok Chui it becomes manual mode. So some of the images are actually out of focus. MUWAHAHAHAHA!!

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We stopped by Yong Peng for a short toilet break before continuing to our next destination Seremban for Lunch. There were about 35 or more people altogether for this trip, and surprisingly not a lot of people brought their cameras along! But those who brought camera a bit stressed because this means they’ll have to share the pictures around.. Hohoho~

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Lunch time, finally! We were mad hungry already!! Stopped by this restaurant called Regent Restaurant which is located at Seremban.

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Most of the chinese restaurant are common places for the locals to hold their wedding banquet.

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This is the general overview of the place. While we were having our Lunch, I saw the manager sitting at another table with a couple, discussing about wedding packages and all. I should have flashed out my namecard and start introducing Raymond Phang Photography to them for conceptualised pre-wedding or actual day photography. Muwahahahaha!

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Here’s the full address.
Here are the dishes we had. Toufu, Fish, Seaweed soup, dried mushroom, veggies, prawns, cold platter, and chicken. The food was not bad although the service could have been better. Oh well, main priority was to have the tummy filled, the rest doesn’t matter.

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Here’s a picture of my Brother in Law.
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And a picture of my Sister in Law who was also the organiser for the trip.

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Continued our journey~
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And finally reached our destination! Had to wait for a while in the Lobby while they settle the rooms and logistics. We stayed in Hotel First World and was given a room in one of their highest floor.
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This is an overview of our World Club Room located on the 24th Floor. Not bad, very spacious.

And we had an awesome view to boot! 🙂

So first day was free and easy since by the time we arrive it was already time for Dinner. Dinner was included in the itinerary so we made our way to the Hotel Maxims Genting for International Buffet at Coffee Terrace. Quite a reasonable spread of dishes, and of all things I picked Fruits and Salad. -_-”

Then it was free and easy, my dad went back to rest while I brought my mum around for shopping. Nothing much to shop cos the price was not very attractive. But my mum and I bought matching shirt! Hahahahahaha!!

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My mum. Sad that the Gondola ride is no longer available and the water was pretty dirty, it looked like a layer of plastic or glue on top.
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Anyway, we collected our free All Day Indoor/Outdoor theme park passes and explored. First stop, the Pirate’s Train. My mum was excited and pulled me to queue for this. I was scared shitless because I thought this was some Pirate’s Ship or something where they swing the ship high and low. End up no choice, my dad also asked me to queue and play, what to do…

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Luckily it was not the Pirate’s ship!! PHEW!!!! It’s a less then 3 minutes ride into darkness… cannot see anything much, but lots of sound to scare you inside.

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Came out of the Pirate’s Train and spotted them!

Who knows right after this picture my mum spotted the Flying Jumbo ride. Die already… got dragged to take the ride… the Dumbo jumbo flew up and down and scared me shitless again. But luckily there’s a green button in the middle where you can control whether you want your dumbo jumbo to fly up or stay down. I was relieved for a moment when my dumbo jumbo was at the bottom…. then my mum had to press it, and press it, and press it. -___-”

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Continued exploring… took some pictures…

Next thing I know, my mum saw the Matahari… You know, the Ferris Wheel thingy. Oh my goodness… She wanted to take the ride!!!! I almost fainted when I saw how high it was… I kept refusing her, and asked her take with my dad… but she kept pulling me… and my dad kept asking me too…. no choice…. I felt like a piece of meat on the chopping board waiting to be chopped into pieces when I reluctantly dragged myself to queue for the ride.

I am Acrophobic, climb ladder also want to cry… ask me to take the Matahari… Sumore so big already cannot cry, so both my hands were clinging onto the sides super tightly and my eyes were shut tightly, head hanging as low as possible. My mum kept saying stuffs like “wah look over there, got a big Dinosaur head, wah the dinosaur so big”, “wah cannot see anything anymore, everything white color, wind so strong can feel the whole thing moving hor?”…….. “take picture for me..” …. etc. -_-”

The Matahari has got to be one of the most value for money ride if you need to pay for your tickets, because the ride seemed to go on forever… rounds after rounds after rounds! Poor me…


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Finally got out of the scare and went to Dinosaur Land!
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My dad with the dinosaur.
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The giant with the big head and small hands. Muwahahahaha! My 14-42 wasn’t enough to snap the T-rex so I had to use my Fisheye.
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Cute cute gummy teeth.
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Super foggy, so you can imagine how much more foggy it was when the Matahari reached the 12 Oclock.
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Continued exploring..
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Mum and Dad
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Looking at don’t know what because some siren went off.
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Catching a quick breath from all the climbing.
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Went back Indoors after finished exploring, and my mum wanted to try the Haunted Adventure. I have got zero guts, and my parents kept asking me to go for this one too. This time I use 200% of my kungfu and saliva to say NO, using the excuse of expensive entrance fee to reject their pleas. RM22 for each person, duration was less than 10 minutes. Luckily I won the battle, and two of them went ahead with this while I snapped around.

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Nothing much has changed, except no more Gondola and no more indoor ferris wheel.
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After they were done, we queued for the Monorail and went around the indoor mall plus outdoor park.
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You can spot the monorail in the picture at the right hand side. The red color train with a bee/caterpillar head.

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The Space Shot. -__________________________-”

I took this in Year 2007, for a deal which now I find is a very bad one. Extremely horrible experience and I can almost see God when I reached the top. Screamt like no tomorrow… no, screamt like the next millisecond will never exist in my life, with all my might and strength until I had a very bad sore throat and cried until my eyebag became puffer fish out of water and my eyeballs expanded out of the eye socket. Sounds exaggerating, but it is very close.

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The red Matahari…

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Exterior of the Hotel First World.
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Energizer battery
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Spotted someone doing maintenance work.

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Space shuttle.
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And an interesting branch growing above the tree.
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When we went back for a quick rest, it was all sunny again.
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Had to watch a movie to kill time. Don’t ask me what’s the Duty fee or Misc fee for, I don’t know. Only know the movie cost RM20 per person. Almost the same price for non 3D movies…

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Dinner at Coffee Terrace, and they had a surprise birthday celebration for the February babies.

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My dad was one of them.
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Mr Voon too.
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It was raining on our way back to Singapore.

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Our coach drivers lost their way trying to find the place for Lunch, so we arrived pretty late while the other coach had already arrived long before us.

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Had our lunch at this restaurant called Weng Hong, located also at Seremban.

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Had veggies, gooey crab meat + toufu soup, fatty pork, roasted duck, cold platter, toufu and a fish.

Food was not bad too, and again if you want to hold your wedding banquet here, you can enquire with them too.

Head on to Yong Peng again, bought some snacks, and finally back to Singapore! HOME SWEET HOME!

Some of them couldn’t make it back because they misplaced their passport. Gasp!! And the Indian family got detained at Tuas Custom, not sure why too. It was a good trip in general, too bad Raymond couldn’t join us. Oh well… back to work! 🙂
Cheers! 🙂

Lots of Love,