Wow wow wow! Besides being so good in Photography, Raymond is damn good at IT & Networking stuffs too! Well, at least that’s what he studied during his Polytechnic days. Every time we have any IT or networking related issues in the office, Raymond is the man! So we have all these tech stuffs in the office – NAS, UPS and what nots, it’s all linked up by Raymond. While I was having problem spending too much time on blogging, he offered a time saving solution! I can now spend more time on blog, work, and the rest prolly either catch up on sleep backlog, or spend more time with Mini Boss!

So today I’m digging the archives and decide to share on this series of photoshoot we did for Amanda Lee Weddings a while back.

The couple featured in the photoshoot is none other than our local talented artistes – Tay Kewei and Alfred Sim!

The photoshoot location is at Tiong Bahru estate, we didn’t have any specific must go places but Raymond and myself did spent time recce-ing the location for one or two nights before the actual shoot. Come to think of it… I didn’t even know I was pregnant while I was running around and carrying all the barangs! O_O”

Tay Kewei

Kewei in beautiful gorgeous wedding gown by Amanda Lee Weddings. The whole get up just makes one look so princessy! This is also a very versatile piece – you can mix and match the top and bottom cos they are two separate pieces unlike the traditional one piece dress.

Alfred Sim

Feels a little like Cinderella, don’t you think? If I remember correctly, Amanda has a name for her creation! So cute right, like she give names to the dress/suit she makes.

Like hey, I’m wearing Benjamin!


This is actually a test shot, but Amanda liked it a lot cos it’s all so candid. Hahaha! The yandao kia you see in this photo at the right hand side is none other than DOUGLAS FROM XD STUDIOS! One of the guys whom we’re gonna steal his first time by packing him around to New Zealand with us this year! 😀

Alfred is like mmmm… 要拍了吗?

Kewei is like final warning 了 hor, 还不 start 是吗?

Actually the two of them are really, really nice! No airs, super friendly and very 亲切.

Sports Hub Singpaore

Hock Leong Hin Teck Kee auntie was damn nice to let us shoot inside their shop. They do wholesale distribution of drinks at a good price! When we were done, we bought quite a lot of drinks from the auntie cos we were all thirsty! Special thanks to Joe for the treat! 😀


Not easy for Kewei to stand on this trolley thingy, cos she was wearing heels, and the base of the trolley ain’t those flat platform. But she just makes this shot look like she was having a breeze and the two having fun.

This is literally “HIGH 5”. Hahahaha!

Amanda Lee Weddings & Raymond Phang Photography

Spin spin spin~

Photoshoot for Tay Kewei

Then it rained on us! We finished this shot, loitered around cos was waiting for rain to stop so that we can walk to the car which was parked further away. And we were super duper hungry!

After the rain, comes the sunshine! Wah, Alfred got 古铜色的肌肤,你是阳光男孩吗?This one is 对未来的瞻望充满希望!

Then he was demonstrating to us his power hurdle jump~ For those who think Alfred only sings, he’s actually the founder of Reactiv!

How else do you think he’s so fit! He heven has a degree in Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science ok!

See, even Kewei hear already also scared!

RAWR!! Those bits of stuffs behind are sand~ flying~ in~ mid~ air~

Time for some evening shots with Kewei changing into an alluring red evening gown.

Are you ready to Tango?

This one was a candid non posed shot! Super love it leh somehow. Like got feel lidat. Like those emo MTV cinematic scene lidat.

Across the National Gallery~ This walk-turn-throw pose took a few tries and Kewei was most accommodating! This was the last shot before we call it a wrap!

That’s us in a group photo! Raymond (botak scream face), Kewei in Red and Alfred with his doe eye smile, Douglas with the bushy thick Jappy eyebrow, Pearlyn with the sweet dimple smile, Amanda with the cheeky expression & Mr nice guy Joe at the back, Axel and Susu and Angeline on the right.

Thank you Amanda for having us onboard your SG50 project! It was really fun working with everyone – Amanda Lee Weddings, Kewei & Alfred, XD Studios and of course Raymond Phang Photography!

Kewei & Alfred were very easy to work with, they even sang duet together which was a treat for our ears! Can never forget their 以爱为豪~ <3

XD Studios as always, they are like our battery! What can we do without them sial~ They high, we high, everyone high! They crazy, we crazy, everyone crazy! Shooting with them has been most fun! <3

Joe was like the nanny to us babies, always making sure we’re well hydrated. He got us 100 plus and water even in the evening too!

Oh, and how can we forget the yummy dinner at Hanare/Teppei. Sadly their original outlet at Tras was full, so we were directed to their other outlet. But it’s ok! It’s the company that counts! 😀

Till the next time!

Chewing on veggies,
