We’re going on a Vacation!

Hey beloved friends!! The staff and crew from Raymond Phang Photography are all going on a shoot cum vacation! We’re so gonna enjoy ourselves thoroughly, so the laptop will be locked up in a very safe and secured place in Singapore, which means we won’t...

Pradeepto & Anamika

Some snippets from Anamika and Pradeepto’s wedding in early October. Very lovely couple, and really generous with their free hugs. Pradeepto on the other hand appears to be a little soft spoken, but when he flashes his megawatt smile, he does it real good! A...

Happy Deepavali!

Hope you guys enjoyed the long weekend!! Deepavali marks the day we finished clearing 2 wedding shoots! Phew! At least we can now fly with a lighter heart. I’ve been checking on the weather forecast and it doesn’t look too good. Hmm…   Anyway,...

I’m feeling excited!

After reading Minister Mentor Lee’s thoughts regarding the world economy issue, I cannot help but to agree with this particular point where he said “When things are down, you have increased unemployment; use that time to build up skills and...


YOUR AGE BY EATING OUT       Don’t tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know! DON’T CHEAT BY SCROLLING DOWN FIRST! It takes less than a minute. Work this out as you read. Be sure you don’t read...