Trending: Selfies at weddings

Oh wow wow wow, was looking through Raymond’s past wedding work from the days where he first started and found this image! Guess when was this taken… Year 2007!! Almost 8 years ago! Wow… And looks like someone has been practicing! Look at the...

A letter to Santa – 2010

Was looking through my entire SSD of photos (mentioned before that I’m someone who will look through all my photos every now and then) and decided to share this. A letter, or rather a note that I wrote to Santa 5 years back. -_-” The content is as below; 5...

Hello Susu

Susu is cool like that. She wears sunnies when she does her editing. She comes to office dressed so stylo milo-ly, complete with hats and what not. She works on the Wacom tablet like a pro and the 30 inch Dell monitor is too small for her now. She probably needs a 60...

Lou Hei with the Best Yusheng ever!

So many photos, but haven’t had time to share them before! This was taken last year!! During the lunar new year period and it was the opening of our first day at work. 开工大吉!As usual, every year we must have our favourite Yusheng to lou hei!!! I’ll be damn...

The best hairdresser in the world

Yay it’s Singapore’s 50th Birthday today!! How are you guys celebrating?? I’m clearing some final emails, packing stuffs, and hopefully have some time to catch the National Day Parade on TV! Raymond is out at Grand Hyatt for an actual day wedding...