Wedding Photographer

Understanding The Skill Sets Of A Wedding Photographer Having your dream wedding photos taken is as important as the event itself. It offers brides and grooms a 360-degree idea of what happened during the big event as they were busy making life happen. Of course, this...

Will you marry me?

Found this image on the Internet. Muwahahahahahaha!! Is this image something similar to the things that have been going through your mind? A super giant diamond proposal ring! A HUGE SURPRISE!!! But then again, how to wear on the finger? :p  ...


又是到了夜深人静的时刻。 这屋子里没有别人, 只有我和两只正在睡觉的狗狗。 屋子里也没有音乐, 只有来自电风扇嗡嗡的吵杂声。 这样的平静在工作特别繁忙的时候应该算得上是种奢侈吧。 有些人已经习惯日夜忙碌的生活但却忘了如何放慢脚步,成了所谓的急性子, 每分每秒都不能闲着。要他们和隔壁邻居串门子更是难上加难。但我就特别喜欢这种平静。你呢? 自己一个人面对冷清清的电脑视屏, 又不经意地打开了储存在电脑里的相册。 看着四年前的我们, 从两只瘦皮猴转变成今天的巨无霸, 我想我们的确是幸福快乐的。...