A Couple

We met up with Desmond and Jolene last Saturday at Bishan Junction 8’s Coffeebean. Every meet up to us is a real excitement! Because we’ll never know what to expect, or who to expect. Whether they’ll be the shy shy introverted type, or the super...

Things we do in our free time

  Yesterday, we met up with Koh & Ting Yin for a little chit chat session at Secret Recipe – IMM, got the paperwork done and collected the deposit to lock down the date for their wedding photography next year on 29 May. Can’t wait to shoot their...

Boy of India

I have a picture to share from Raymond’s collection. I know this is very evil of me, but this picture sure reminds me of Chucky the killer doll… Image source: http://www.monsterislandtoys.com/ Aaaa… No, this one is too fierce, too evil, and too...

Chinatown with Uncle Patrick

Heard (no time read papers, have time for News radio 93.8fm) that the global economy ain’t doing very well these few days. Strange that the thing I’m concerned about is the unemployment rate in the affected countries, rather than what’s gonna happen...