Recently we photographed Herman, Janet and their cute little son Trevor in Singapore. Janet was liaising with me secretly over the phone cos she wanted to plan a birthday surprise for Herman, and the photoshoot will be a birthday gift for Herman. The couple wanted us to photograph Trevor before he turned 18 years old, and this would be a golden opportunity to kill two birds with one stone – photographing Trevor, and also a surprise for Herman’s birthday. 🙂

So Raymond, Ben and I arrived at Vivocity ahead of time and we kept looking at the sky for fear of a change in weather. The water feature playground was located outdoors so if it rains, it will spoil our plan cos there’s no where else in Vivocity  for Trevor to play with the water without getting caught in the rain. Trevor really likes the water.

Janet sent me a whatsapp message and told me Trevor was sleeping, and she’s going to wake him up, scoot down to Vivocity really soon. So I asked her to get Trevor and Herman to play as per normal, while we sneak up and go on stealth mode, shooting them from far with the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens.

It’s funny looking at us three humpty dumpty sneaking around the playground which was filled with kids screaming their heads off and running about the place. We spotted the Father and Son at one end playing with water and Herman was busy capturing shots of the playful Trevor. But Trevor being the sharp and alert boy soon spotted us, led Herman to Raymond and uh-oh, we were exposed. Kekeke.


I think Raymond looked like a bad guy with the giant lens and that kinda scared the little kid. Trevor then got conscious with us around and became a little more wary.


But with Herman and Janet’s constant assurance that Raymond is not a big bad wolf, Trevor started to wander off and continued to play with the water. Of course he didn’t dare venture too far away where Raymond was cos he was camping at the far end, pointing his scary lens at the kid.


So most of the time Trevor tried to run away from Raymond and the couple had to “chase” Trevor back so that Raymond can see his face and expression.


This image says Trevor is having fun! 🙂


Love this image of Mother and Son doing the same thing!


The floor is a little slippery, so parents have to really keep a tight watch on their kids. Trevor actually fell, but Herman was as quick as an eagle, pulled Trevor with a single swoop, even before Trevor’s head touch the ground!!! Both Ben and I were amazed at how fast Herman reacted, it’s just like the movie “Twilight” where Edward Cullen miraculously appeared infront of Bella out of nowhere and shield her from the oncoming vehicle when it was about to crush her flat like roti prata!
Trevor started crying a little, but after some love and comfort from Herman and Janet, the brave little boy was back to normal again. 🙂


So we left the area, and went to the other open area with a huge waddling pool.


See, the sunshine boy is back! 🙂


One of my favourite image. 🙂


It’s supposed to be a secret how this image came about, I’m not gonna reveal what happened exactly but I can only say we had to ask for this shot. Kekeke. 😛

Although this was supposed to Herman’s birthday, Trevor became the star and had a change of clothes again! 🙂


We were bidding our goodbyes after the last scene, and Ben offered his box of sweets to Trevor. Trevor took it with permission, and was so sweet to return them to Ben after being asked to do so.

Although BB Trevor was a little wee bit shy, but the highly intelligent boy enjoyed himself playing with the water, and I could see Raymond’s face was filled with smiles when he took the pictures, peeping at the family through his viewfinder. Ben and I enjoyed ourselves too as this is one of the less stressful shoots we have ever had. Hahahaha!

To BB Trevor, your daddy and mummy really love you a lot, a lot, a lot! We hope you will grow up to be a happy boy, healthy boy, sweet boy, and love your parents even much more than how much they love you. 🙂

