Aloha peeps!!

I was looking through some of the Pigs at Work folder (which is basically a folder of all the images we snapped of one another when we’re out at pre-wedding shoots), and I managed to find some images to share. Here’s one from a conceptualized pre-wedding we shot for a couple (TP and Eileen) at Malaysia – Sepang Circuit.

If you haven’t seen this before, this is how the final image look like;

Raymond Phang Conceptualised Pre-Wedding-07

 And here’s what it looks like on location;

Pigs @ Work 7

It was actually super duper sunny and we were all standing in the open with the burning sun laughing at us from above our heads. The botak in grey top walking across the frame is Ben ben! So Raymond walked around and found his perfect spot, composed and framed everything nicely before we position the two supercars and then the fire marshal and couple. So you have it, the smoke coming out from the fire extinguisher is as real as it gets and of course the fire was added on digitally. I wanted to use real fire but I got death stares in return instead. So had to drop the idea. :p But the powdery chemicals from the extinguisher itself was already really bad for the cars, so once we were done with the shoot, they had to take the cars for a few rounds of vroom vroom to clear the particles.

And for the next photo, it’s one of the photos where most couple will take a few extra seconds to look. For those who were not particularly interested in our works, they will press the right arrow key almost fast and furiously to skim through all the photos really quickly. I’m not gonna paint a rosy picture and make us appear to be so darn popular cos we do have people who cannot accept our conceptualised pre-wedding works! Well, that’s what makes it even more special, especially those few lucky couples who get to do a conceptualized pre-wedding shoot with us! 😀

Back to the point, it’s a quiet observation we made when couples come to meet us and look through our works. That’s part of how we can roughly gauge who are the couples who genuinely appreciates our photography work, and who are the ones we should reject for their better good. I mean, might as well let them find another photographer with the chemistry to work with them for their once in a lifetime, rather than for us to ruin their “happiness”, right? 🙂

Anyway, this next photo, the couple was really standing on a platform, and not photoshopped like what many couples thought.


Raymond Phang Concept Pre-Wed


There you go, that’s Raymond testing out the platform and how much weight can it hold because none of us have any idea. Haha!


Pigs @ Work 6

It’s one of the unique feature of the place, so Raymond thought might as well utilize the feature and not let it go to waste. But the windows were really squeezy and the platform really narrow. So it was kinda scary for the couple to stand there, and Eileen even had to flip and toss her wedding gown for the photos. Phew!!


Pigs @ Work 5

So… that’s a short and sweet entry to answer your question. The location is real and not photoshopped. 🙂

On a side note, we are travelling to New Zealand again next year in April! Any couples interested to join us for a photoshoot there? Kekeke. Email to contactme @ now! 🙂

And also to those who voted in the poll, thank you very much for taking that extra few minutes to read and click the button! Appreciate it! 🙂

Angeline (: