Actual day wedding images from…… Colin and Emily’s wedding!! They’re actually friends of Andrew and Sylvia, and we’re very glad we had the chance to know Colin and Emily through Andrew and Sylvia! They’re all super lovely and nice people! All of them! 🙂
We also had the opportunity to photograph Colin and Emily’s pre-wedding in New Zealand, damn awesome shots, and super enjoyable! We can do it a million times over, and I believe even after the millionth time is done, we’ll still want more. But I shall not sidetrack, will keep my focus on their Actual Day Wedding for this post. :p
So… here goes! 🙂
Spot the resemblance? Kekeke. The bunny earsssss!
The couple actually got to know each other during their school days, and they’ve been together for almost 10 long years already!
Jean Aw (a friend of the couple and also Andrew + Sylvia) did the hair and make up for Emily that day. Wonder why was she laughing so hard until she was sitting on the floor!
Preparation for the gatecrashing, so pretty still go do Heart shape pattern on top of the gooey bitter gourd mixture.
I’m not gonna share too much images on gatecrashing, just a very few images.. otherwise it might scare the groom/brothers away~ This time round the girls are so considerate, before the start of the gatecrashing games, they offered the Po Chi Pills to the groom and brothers, to prepare their stomach for the just-in-case!
We have encountered cases whereby grooms and brothers puked and had tummyache during the wedding, which can be quite a spoiler for the couple as it affects the mood of the entire day. So maybe can refrain from playing with too much food stuffs, otherwise gotta take extra care and make hygiene practice a top priority. Or maybe… po chi pills at the start will be a good alternative. LOL!!
The TEN Commandments… LOL!! If there’s any couples out there who’s doing a role reversal (might be a bit too much to ask bride to fetch groom, but girls doing gatecrash to win the groom should be alright), please text us, call us, email us, leave us a note on our facebook or even on our blog! We’d loveeeeeeee to photograph your actual day wedding! Muwahahahaha! 🙂
Emily in her pretty gown from Dang Bridal`
There there, finally the groom gets the bride!
Off to church for the church wedding at Life Bible Presbyterian Church! 🙂
Pretty floral decors by Flower Couture.
And awesome guestbook! Mini pretty cards and guests can write their well wishes~
All set and ready, waiting for bride’s arrival.
The darling flower girls and bridesmaid – Jolene, who is also Emily’s sister.
Evening banquet was held at Pan Pacific Hotel.
Oh no… red wine… I smell danger!
Super love the cake design, so pretty! And look at their wedding favour – a bottle of happy pills for the guests, label designed by couple, and they had friends to help them pack + label the bottles individually. Made with loveeeee! 🙂
Here’s the second change, with this beautiful pink cheongsam gown, also from Dang Bridal. It’s really really pretty!
Couple shared the first dance together~
There were a whole lot of happy images from Colin and Emily’s wedding, and I love it! I love it when the couple knows how to enjoy and relax on their wedding, when Susu (our digital plastic surgeon) saw the images, she also enjoyed working on the images. Raymond had fun shooting the wedding, everyone is happy!
I think this is cute! First time I see couple drink champagne so cute one.. Usually it’ll be the cross arms, you drink yours and I drink mine kind.. Hahaha~
Fierce yum seng!!
And huggies to end the post! Cheers! 🙂
Lots of ♥,
– Angeline
Dear Angeline,
The mother is the last to know (I’m Colin’s Mum). Got news from several sources that their photo was featured in your ads so went to “kay poh” on your site.
I love your photo blog. This is the second time I am reading it!
Mrs Tan Hui Tin
Good evening Mrs Tan! 🙂
Thank you very much for taking the trouble to drop us a note on our blog! Yup, their images are featured on our blogs, Facebook ads, and even wedding magazines. I do agree, parents are usually the last to know… admittedly it happens for us too. 😡
By the way both Colin and Emily are really, really, really, really nice and sweet people. You guys are so blessed to have each other as a family. 🙂
Please pardon us for the grammatical/spelling mistakes in our blog entries, and hope you enjoyed browsing through them. Take care and see you around! 🙂