I was looking through some of the past and recent wedding images taken by Raymond, and I thought it’ll be interesting to do an entry on the different gatecrashing games played by the brothers and sisters from various weddings! I left out the common leg hair waxing and bikini stuffs, and here’s a short list of games to consider! Enjoy! 🙂


The Simple Games

(From Paul & Evelyn’s actual day wedding on 24 October 2009)

Set a dress code, get all brothers to follow strictly. Appear for the gatecrashing with a happy spirit, do whatever you’re told to do by the lovely sisters and you’ll enjoy the happy day! Push ups are pretty common, but push ups are beneficial to your health, so why not? Make the brothers do 100 within 60 seconds! Perhaps with a bowl of eggs placed right below their tummy so that during the last few seconds when they cannot tahan anymore or cos they’re rushing to complete within time, they might land and crash on the eggs, or roll over to the side and bang into the brother next to them, and all of them fall like dominos. Muwahahahaha! You can replace eggs for ice, or water or flour, or anything you desire! (:



BYO- Bring Your Own

(From Desmond & Jolene’s actual day wedding on 25 October 2009)

I think the brothers are smart enough to make it a Two Way Bargaining session. The brothers came prepared, brought their own suitcase of treasure with ang pows. No idea what’s the least and maximum amount in the ang pow, but the sister had to make a choice. Interestingggg…



Scary Foodies

(From Edwin & Eunice’s actual day wedding on 21 November 2009)

Lemons are sourrrrr! How will lemon taste if you coat it with an extra layer of Citric Acid??? Muwahahahaha!! Maybe coat the lemon with citric acid, then rub it on any body part of one of the selected brother….. and…. the groom…. shall…. LICK IT CLEAN! Kekeke.


(From Guan Lim & Jeslin’s actual day wedding on 4 October 2008)

Speaking of Licking, here’s one of our all time favourite gatecrashing game. Guan Lim being the smart aleck, answered TOES to the sisters’ question of “Which part of Jeslin’s body is his favourite.” Tsk tsk tsk, and thus he had to lick off the whipped cream on the brother’s toes. Not all sisters are evil to think of tricky tricky questions to land you in trouble you know. Sometimes they meant well, no harm! :p


(From Andrew & Clarice’s actual day wedding on 11 October 2008)

However there’s always the exception – the Evil sisters. They’ll mix and match the weirdest stuffs on earth like smelly rotten beancurd with perhaps wasabi or bananas or other gooey stuffs altogether. Eeeeew! But weird food stuffs are generally discouraged for fear that the groom and his merrymen will puke and shit in their pants. Don’t let this moment of “folly” spoil the whole day ya?


(From Hiro & Serena’s actual day wedding on 7 December 2008)

Playing on the groom’s fear might be good. Chilli padi or single food stuff are alright, just don’t mix, and don’t use food/drinks that you obviously know the poor groom has an allergy to.


(From Kuan Wee & Pei Yu’s actual day wedding on 31 December 2008)

And for the greedy merrymen, sometimes the prettiest thing might look good, but not necessary taste good. 😉
This evil plate of dish made Kuan Wee spat from the second level to the first, and the poor dog dog sprinted to lick it all up. =_=”



Sexy Sexy – The Role Reversal Game

(From John & Ei-leen’s actual day wedding on 7 September 2008)

The evil sisters somehow enjoy seeing guys dress themselves up as women! So it’s inevitable that the merrymen will have to go through this.


(From Andrew & Clarice’s actual day wedding on 11 October 2008)

Other ways of dressing up the guy. No need for bikini cos bikini looks good only on skin and not clothes! Unless the merrymen strips…. now that’s another question altogether…

(From Hiro & Serena’s actual day wedding on 7 December 2008)

Make them danceeeeee!


(From Jonald & Yutong’s actual day wedding on 7 November 2009)

Such an intimate physical body contact! I think the ladies never fails to go Gaga when they see things like this! Hahahaha! This is Entertainment! :p


(From Jonald & Yutong’s actual day wedding on 7 November 2009)

How about some kissy kissy? Kekeke! Next time shall make them do away with the “safety barrier”!!


(From Jonald & Yutong’s actual day wedding on 7 November 2009)

Next, the brother had to chew off this buns on the groom’s chest cos inside the buns there’s a secret note and they have to follow the instructions written on it to proceed on to the next stage.

(From Jerry & Michelle’s actual day wedding on 6 October 2009)

This is pretty “man”, but pretty R(A) too!! *covers eye*


(From Richard & Wendy’s actual day wedding on 9 May 2009)

What a cute “bra” Richard is holding on close to his chest! He had to sing and dance while wearing this, but being cheeky, Richard even placed it on his head to make it look like… I don’t know, a genetically modified Mickey Mouse? Muwahahahaha!



The Innocent Games

(From Teck Yong & Wanling’s actual day wedding on 20 September 2009)

Create something out of the things the groom really detest, and find ways to make it stay with the groom throughout the entire gate crashing! In this case, the groom really hates Mushroom, so the clever sisters made a super cute mushroom earing and headband for the groom to wear! Real mushrooms! Innocent enough, right?


(From Morrison & Rachel’s actual day wedding on 2 August 2009)

This can be an innocent game, but can be quite a torture as well. You know… with age…. your bones have all stiffened up… so… you can’t really go…. that… L….O…..W…..


(From Koh & Ting Yin’s actual day wedding on 29 May 2009)

An innocent game too! Yoga is fun, yoga is healthy! Has anyone seen Yoda doing Yoga? I think it’ll be funny! Get the brothers to dress up as Yoda and do the Yoga!!


(From Herman & Janet’s actual day wedding on 19 April 2009)

Diapers? Disposable undies? *scratch head* It’s so innocent, kids can join in and play too! 😀

Usually the sisters will draw the initials of the bride onto the diapers/undies and make them wear it on their butt, perform a cute sexy little dance and that’s all. Easy and simple!


Gather the Troops!

(Taken from Lionel & Angel’s actual day wedding on 17 November 2007)

When all things fail, leave it to the elderly!!

Ah-Ma says: “Eh, kui meng ah! buay sai sng liao, xi gan gao liao!” Which literally means, open the door, stop playing, time’s up!! You know how particular the elderly folks are about the auspicious timing? Always recruit a granny in your band of brothers!


(From Win-son & Faith’s actual day wedding on 29 November 2009)

And if the evil sisters make you eat something which you do not want to eat, flash your Ace card and win the battle!


(From Win-son & Faith’s actual day wedding on 29 November 2009)

Ah-ma says humph, æ”Ÿé©Źèż‡æ„ć§ïŒ(release your horse to me). Give me another 10 and I’ll gobble them all the same!! Ah-ma power!!


(From Jack & Grace’s actual day wedding on 1 January 2009)

Make sure they’re all dressed in black to appear scaaaaary! And also please try to include at least ONE charismatic brother. Once you have that in your checklist, half the battle is won. :p

(From Terence & Jann’s actual day wedding on 18 October 2009)

This time round, the poor photographer was roped in to help the sisters with the preparation. They placed lip gloss on Raymond’s lips and he had to put his sexy lipstick mark on the piece of paper together with the bride and other sister’s lipstick marks. But guess which one did the groom picked? Raymond’s!!! Hahahahaha!


Convert thy Enemy, or convert Thyself

(From John & Ei-leen’s actual day wedding on 7 September 2008)

The brother actually tried to bully the poor boy and make him eat the banana on his behalf. Tsk tsk tsk. Luckily boy boy was smart enough not to eat! Attempt at converting – FAIL! :p

(From Kok Meng & Cassies actual day wedding on 3 October 2009)

Poor Kok Meng had to do the push up all by himself!! Noticed that all the brothers did nothing but stood and watch at a side?? Luckily the groom was super duper fit enough to finish everything by himself!! Cassie has gotten herself a fit fit groom! Booboo to the nuanua brothers, and see what the groom has to say in the above image! :p


Aww so sweet

(From Chye Tuan & Siang Yin’s actual day wedding on 10 May 2009)

Groom and merrymen singing sweet sweet love song for the bride. Look how much the groom is enjoying it. So sweet!! 🙂


Seal the Deal

(From Ho Wei & Eileen’s actual day wedding on 6 June 2009)

Usually the sisters will help the bride prepare a pretty contract like this one, where the groom puts his signature and agree to all the terms and conditions stated on the contract. Conditions such as giving all the monthly salary and bonuses to the wife, promise not to be angry with each other at the end of the day if they ever quarrel, do housework blablala… which I think is pretty bogus! Cos after the couple put both their signature on the piece of paper call the marriage certificate, the terms and conditions stated on this contract automatically becomes invalid. So in order to prevernt such things from happening, engage a lawyer and have a reeeeal one made! :p



(From Jonald & Yutong’s actual day wedding on 7 November 2009)

Have you seen THIS?? Such a scary piece of…. CHOCOLATE!! It’s actually the leftover chocolate from the bride’s hen party the night before. This “creature” was not supposed to be shown and used and displayed to the world, until Yutong’s mummy suddenly thought of it and suggested that they make full use of this for the gate crashing!

(From Michael & Dorothy’s actual day wedding on 19 September 2009)

See, even Michael thought it’s scary! Muwahahaha! Actually no lah, the bride was waking in and at that moment Michael only have eyes for her – the world’s most beautiful bride in his eyes. 🙂



Okie dokie, end of my sharing! Just a very few tips to share, so hope it’s at least a little bit useful! 🙂


(From Paul & Evelyn’s actual day wedding on 24 October 2009)

Have fun!! And be spontaneous!!



(From Paul & Evelyn’s actual day wedding on 24 October 2009)




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Kekekeke! Happy Monday! 🙂


Lots of ♄,

– Angeline