Hi guys,

Apologies for the lack of updates on the blog, it’s been a crazy month for us! To be honest, I don’t think I’ll have much time to update the blog in the coming month because we are literally swarmed with shoots, especially the pre-wedding ones.

Being busy is a good thing, but too busy to a point where you start to neglect your well being and your friends/family, that’s not a good thing. So I guess we’ll need to find time, strike a balance, and remain sane amidst the chaos.

But no worries, posting in Facebook or even Instagram is much more convenient than blog, hence most of our updated works and news always appears in our Facebook. Hehe. Do check them out if you haven’t ya?

And to those who have voted in our poll for the budget allocation for your wedding day photography, thank you very much once again for your feedback!

Alrighty, keep yourselves dry and warm in this wet rainy season okie? Bring a brolly, a windbreaker or something and don’t catch a cold. I think it’s a good time to wear the willies if you have them. Will be fun to waddle in the flood…. oops!

Okie, take care!! 🙂



Angeline (:

