Today is the 7th day of the first lunar month, and this day is also known as 人日, which is considered to be the birthday of Human since it was the day human beings were created (according to the chinese mythology). In the Chinese mythology, 女娲 (nv wa) was the goddess who created the world. She created animals on different days (chickens, dogs, boars, sheeps, cows, horses) and human on the seventh day. Well, I don’t really celebrate 人日 but I sure don’t mind celebrating birthdays everyday… just to eat cake. Muwahahaha~!!

We’ve been so busy over the CNY period and bam, now we’re already 7 days into the first lunar new year. I had 3 rounds of reunion dinner this year – an early one with both sides of parents cos my sister in law will be away in Perth on the actual reunion dinner day. Second round was a lunch with Raymond’s parents (home cooked Pig trotters vinegar, pigs stomach soup, steamed chicken, sweet & sour prawn, veggies etc etc). Third round was a dinner with my parents and aunt. We had steamboat with lots of food items such as fish maw, scallop, fish, crayfish, quail eggs, beef shabu etc etc. It was literally a seafood steamboat session. We ate so much until our stomach exploded, and I had to say bye bye to some of the clothes I got which was meant for CNY. Haiz… But I cannot resist the shrimp roll, the bak kwa, the pineapple tarts, the chiku (arrowhead/arrowroot chips). So I really stuffed my faces with those goodies. And we discovered that the mini boss enjoys eating Belinjau cracker. You know, that bitter bitter cracker thingy? I don’t even like it but the mini boss chomped it down like a champ. -_-”

I’ve also met a friend before the lunar new year and I do share the same sentiments with her on several points.

To friends/strangers reading this who are feeling really lost and stressed up this year, here’s something for you from Joel Osteen;

What God has spoken over you has an appointed time to come to pass. Don’t get discouraged. The silence is temporary. God loves you so much that at times he will hide you. He’ll cause you to be overlooked, he’ll cause that door not to open. He’ll cause a person to walk away. You can be talented and hidden, anointed and hidden, have great ideas and hidden. And if you don’t understand that it’s God hiding you, you’ll be frustrated and try to make things happen out of God’s timing. But before you see notoriety, you’ll go through a season of obscurity. You have to pass this test when you’re hidden.

This sure speaks a lot to me and I hope it will to you.

Coming back to blogging… today I’m sharing some photos from Christopher and Hui Lin’s wedding day. It’s a full day 8 hours wedding which we started off at the Bride’s place in the morning. They didn’t have any gatecrashing (lucky you Chris!) and it was a cosy wedding celebration at the beautiful Tamarind Hill. Tea Ceremony and solemnization were all done within Tamarind Hill itself so the couple saved quite a bit of timing on the traveling;


Good morning!


Wedding Photography

Since there were no gatecrashing preps to photograph, they got us to start at 11am, when bride is already dressed and dolled up.


But we sneaked time to take some quick shots of the final touches anyway.

Tamarind Hill Singapore

And of course the important part – veiling!


Wedding Photography

Groom arrives, take a very sud sud shot. Must act fierce in case got any unexpected ambush upstairs since gatecrashing wasn’t in the agenda.


Tamarind Hill Wedding

Upon reaching the bride’s unit, finally can breathe and smile and laugh already cos really don’t have gatecrashing. Heng ah!


Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

All Christopher had to do was to kiss the bride. Can you spot the old school portrait in the background? Somewhere at the top right area? That was the kind of wedding portrait of our parents’ time. We don’t do that anymore cos the young generation is all about hippy stuffs, cool portraits, being loud, bold, and unique. This kind of classical portrait probably bores them no end. I felt the same too years back. But now I’m starting to appreciate the simplicity and the classics too, besides the wacky fun shots. Maybe because I’m getting old already. Oh those MRT tracks running on my face….  -_-“


Singapore Wedding Photographer

I can’t tell why but I like this candid shot! So many ways to interpret the story here!


Tamarind Hill Wedding

The traditional tossing of the fan by the bride shot. Even though we’ve advanced in many ways when it comes to expectations of wedding photos, there are some traditions that we are still practicing today when it comes to wedding. I’m sure we still have many couples consulting the feng shui master on auspicious dates and timings right? 😀


Chillax Venue for Weddings

Hohoho~ Our signature shot of the bridal car in motion. Nissan Qashqai never looked this good. Muwahahaha~ The 0-100km for the 2.0 litre version probably comes in about 10.9 seconds and the 1.6 litre version at about 11ish seconds?


Solemnization Tamarind Hill

Another mandatory getting out of car shot.


Actual Day Wedding Photograph

Christopher fetched his bride and we went straight to Tamarind Hill. Took some quick shots around the area before they went off to have their hair/makeup done for the evening.


Should have asked them to attempt a Titanic pose. You know the part where Jack was hugging Rose from behind and Rose was saying “I’m flying!”


Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

Chillax Venue for Weddings

Tamarind Hill Wedding

A standard group shot with the buddies! Thank you for helping, and also for driving Raymond’s car! (:


Actual Day Wedding Photograph

Ok, Christopher had to go off for his rehearsal and to settle some of the logistics, so we have Hui Lin to ourselves for some solo shots.


Chillax Venue for Weddings


Tamarind Hill Singapore

太美了! T_T


Wedding Photography

Solemnization part begins now.


Solemnizer: “After you wed, all your money is her money.”
Christopher: “Hmmmmmm.. right….”


Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

Hui Lin: ” OMG this Solemnizer is the best!”

Singapore Wedding Photographer

Hui Lin: “Ok, now all your money will be my money. I will use it very wisely by investing them in Hermes Birkin bags.”
Christopher: “Jialat liao… can only listen and nod and say yes now.”

Tamarind Hill Wedding

Happy wife, happy life, right! 😀


And they sealed the deal with the ring exchange.


Chillax Venue for Weddings


Solemnizer: “Remember ah, happy wife happy life. You let her invest in Hermes Birkin, and who knows one day she might let you do Stage 3 for your car.”
Hui Lin: “Haha… Ha… Hmm.. What is stage 3 ah?”
Christopher: “Hehehehehehe… Stage 3!!!!!!!”


Tamarind Hill Singapore


Solemnization Tamarind Hill

You guys fancy this grainy treatment done to the photo?


Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

Ring shot.


Chillax Venue for Weddings

Let the party begins!

Tamarind Hill Wedding

The march in aisle is not exactly a straight aisle, cos they have to walk through pillars and what not since it’s not a traditional hotel banquet venue.


Actual Day Wedding Photograph



Speech time


Singapore Wedding Photographer



Chillax Venue for Weddings

Happy until can see teeth cannot see eyes!




Tamarind Hill Singapore

Oh oh…. Christopher actually drank so much until he had an epic end to the night with blood all over his face and floor in the toilet. Poor Huilin must have freaked out cos she woke Christopher with her scream. O_O”


Actual Day Wedding Photograph


Solemnization Tamarind Hill

Love the expression! 😀

Chillax Venue for Weddings

Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

Yah, can tell they were really enjoying themselves that night.



Singapore Wedding Photographer


Tamarind Hill Wedding

You know we returned about 700+ edited photos to the couple, it’s soooooooooooooooooo difficult to pick a bunch for blogging!! I might have missed out on some nicer ones, but friends of Christopher and Huilin can perhaps check with the couple if you want to see the full set. :p



Chillax Venue for Weddings

So we can see who were the culprits.


Wedding Photography

Hahahaha~ that -___-” face.


Solemnization Tamarind Hill

More yum sengs~


Chillax Venue for Weddings



Tamarind Hill Singapore

So nice of the culprits to label their concoction.



Solemnization Tamarind Hill

Some of the brothers were buddy enough to Da the drinks!


Singapore Wedding Photographer

Ehhhhh!!! Don’t finish everything!! Leave some for me!!!!


Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

Christopher really drank a lot….


The guests were high and started singing (the couple engaged a live band).


Actual Day Wedding Photograph


Tamarind Hill Wedding

Christopher’s mini rock concert with his fans.



Hello Christopher.


Tamarind Hill Wedding

He had to be “escorted” that night.


Actual Day Wedding Photograph

Taking a quick break outside for some fresh air.


Chillax Venue for Weddings


Singapore Wedding Photographer

Cannot make it already.


Tamarind Hill Singapore

Wedding Photography

Unique Wedding Banquet Venue

Good night.

Actual Day Wedding Photograph

Sweet dreams.


It was a fun fun night for the couple – they didn’t do any table shots kind of thing (table setting was long western style), it was more of impromptu mini group shots with their friends. They didn’t have to bother with formalities, they simply let go and be themselves with their friends. I just relooked at the folder of 718 photos again, there are just too many shots and I wish I can share them all here – many candid expressions, couple’s speech, fairy lights, live bands, details/decor etc etc!!! One of the most enjoyable and unforgettable weddings we have photographed. Thank you for having us and here’s wishing you guys good health, happiness and many more wonderful adventures!! 😀


Lots of Bak Kwa,
