Good morning eh-ver-ree-bar-deeeeee! As promised, here’s some snippets to share from Herman and Janet’s wedding! The other day the lovely couple invited us over to their place for chit chat and “la kopi” session, minus the kopi. Muwahahaha! They have a nice cosy house, very clean and open, and it happens to be really windy when we were there. One of the major attraction of their place is their especially big table, placed right smack in the middle of the hall! It’s like a Transformer table, can be used as a dining table, work table, read papers table, and most importantly, a POOL TABLE!! O_O”!
Raymond and I were so fascinated with it, and we watched excitedly as Herman and Janet removed the protective cover, the wood planks etc. Then they lifted the legs of the table corner by corner to adjust the table height for pool use. Took a bit of time to set up since their pool table didn’t quite like Raymond. Cos according to the couple, usually it wasn’t that hard and it didn’t take so long to set the table. =p
Okie, the wedding images! Enjoy!
I think this mirror is pretty interesting! It brings out the curveeees.. Hehehe.
Looks like some scenes from scary ghost movies… not really the gory kind, but those with feel… *shudders*
I like her dogdog!! But too bad dogdog wasn’t there when we went over.
2 makeup artist working on Janet’s hair and makeup!
That’s Alvin from AlvinAdelineWeddings! They are cousins by the way! It’s been a pleasure working with him for the first time, and the equipment he used were interesting!
Preparing the tekan stuff.
Maybe couples can use some funny looking G-strings! Those with funny elephant head or rhino head hanging in front. Muwahahahahaha!!
Its really an amazing race Red hill edition. haha
Fuwah! So cool!
Herman did a sexy pole dance on the brothers!! It was really funny, but I shall only pick one to post cos the rest are for Janet’s eyes only.
Herman trying to imagine himself sipping sweet orange juice, and eating delicate desserts in Hawaii.
This expression says NICE! MUWAHAHAHA!
Now you may kiss the bride! Eeyer, next time cannot use hand to cover!
Even though Herman successfully barged through the gates of Hell and met the Bride, he still had to pass the test of the Bride. So poor thing!
DO sexy YOGA POSES! Again, for Janet’s eyes only!
Awwww so sweet!
I really like their bedsheet! Usually we’ll see the normal one with the chinese character “xi”, but theirs is a customised one. If I have one set of my own, I think i’ll purposely drool on Raymond’s and make his pillowcase dirty dirty.
This one is interesting. I like.
This one looks pretty nice when it’s in the original resolution.
So memorable! Those folks saw R(21) scene while having a morning brisk walk in the park! haha!
Now for Raymond’s signature car shot!
In deep thoughts with the clothes hanger?
Evening time make up!
The bling bling! *_*
Must be very tired. Muwahahaha! Dont ever yawn because Raymond will catch you with his mighty fasty goody smelly camera!
At Chijmes for a quick snap!
Ooooh, kinky!! *Drools*
Love her expression! haha.
Thats where its held!
Janet with her dad.
A little to the left and he will look like he’s digging his nose. *sniggers*
The band.
I think this picture is very cute! Cos it looked as if Herman was wearing some weird jester’s hat, with candle poking out from his head, and both of them are smiling so happily! Muwahahahaha~
The guests made them drink and drink and drink and drink…
But Janet was super gung ho, she drank and drank and drank and drank! I guess this picture says, drink more to get biceps! She’s a strong girl!
Boy boy gasping in admiration! Must be girl girl whispering to him “if you drink like her, i’ll marry you!”
More yum sengs! All purposely want to make the couple drunk!
That’s Wee Fong on the left! We’ll be shooting their actual day wedding too!
Herman got sooo high that he practically gave almost every guests a big bear hug!
His hugs were all free of charge. Muwahahaha~
Some intimate moments shared between the mother and son.
The father and son.
Then the young one.
JANET! How can you kiss other man!
Drink and drink some more…
Luckily they didn’t suffer from bad hangover the next day when they went for their honeymoon.
One of the family portraits.
Hope you guys enjoyed the photos! Cheers!
Lots of ♥,
– Angeline
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