Here’s a film shot taken by Benedict Chan for Adrian and Deh Leen – one of our destination New Zealand Pre-Wedding couple. Super miss the days we spent there. The weather was good, everyone was happy, and everywhere is a postcard scene so picture worthy. We were blessed with the beautiful morning mist during the shoot which created an image so surreal. Don’t talk about it anymore, we’re all experiencing the NZ withdrawal syndrome now again. 🙁

That aside Benedict will be the photographer for their actual day wedding as well, and we can’t wait to see Adrian drink + get drunk on his wedding day. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Adrian & Deh Leen: New Zealand Pre-Wedding by Benedict Chan

The rest of the series will take some time as we have a mountain load of editing to clear. Sorry guys, do bear with us a little during this period. We’ll try to share bit by bit as much as we can. Cheers! 🙂

Lots of Love,