Here’s a long overdue entry on Richard and Wendy’s housewarming in August! Wow, almost a month ago! I got all the pictures here from Richard’s facebook actually. Hehehe. Too bad we couldn’t catch Desmond & Jolene (we’ll be photographing their AD next month), nor Yang from Substance Films on that day. But nevermind, there will always be a next time ya? 🙂


A very brief introduction to Richard and Wendy, we actually photographed their actual day wedding earlier on this year on 9 May 2009. For those who are interested, you may want to view the images taken on their wedding day at this URL:


It was pretty interesting when the couple shared with us their story on their negative encounter with another wedding photographer whom they almost engaged for their actual day wedding. And all thanks to Jolene (who also happens to be Richard’s colleague), she led Richard to a path of no return when she introduced our existence to Richard! Muwahahahaha! Well, the rest they say is History, and we’re very thankful to have made soooo many wonderful and adorable friends throughout this journey! Each and everyone of them special and unique in their own ways, and both Raymond and I felt like kiddy kids in a gigantic candy store whenever we discover something new about our couples!


Richard for one, like one of our previous wedding couple Chye Tuan, has this knack for food and cooking! They can make such mean and delicious food that makes me look forward to the next session, wanting for more and more and more and more! I’m serious! Even Raymond throws his fists and legs in the air to agree with me! Now my tummy is growling again. Grrrr….


Their wives – Wendy and Siang Yin are both very, very blessed to marry someone who can cook so well! Muwahahaha! Cherish the good fortune yea?! I’ll make Raymond read up on cookbooks from now on. 😛




Richard has soooooooooooo much tools and utensils and pots and pans and cookers and it really amazes me! I was wondering how did he manage to store them all in his tiny little kitchen! One day I’m gonna sneak up and take a peek at his cupboards. Kekeke.


The idea of stripping off a piece of garment, pretending it’s hot and humid halfway through cooking came from here! Noticed he is wearing his grey t-shirt here while preparing the egg omelette for the Nasi Lemak?


Next he changed to this to fry the balls! O_O”! Wendy!! How come never snap the process of him changing the clothes?? Muwahahahahaha! Hope you guys managed to grab some really good deals at the Comex show today! Forget about the freebies, and say YES to quality products ya? So many new toys, gotta find some ways to utilise them hor! For example the new camera… kekeke… Anyway, I better stop this else people think I’m a pervert. 😛


That’s us in our “couple tee”. 😛


Raymond the glutton.


It was a session for the brothers and sisters who helped out during their wedding day. Poor folks went through thick and thin with the couple, but now the reap the rewards! 🙂 It was my first time meeting them, and I think they’re pretty nice and outgoing folks! Not as evil as what they seemed on the wedding day when they flashed out an unfilled cheque with Richard’s signature on it during the gate crashing… and asking for more ang pow money is the only rightful thing to do… just fulfilling your duties only… rightttttt? 😛


I cannot believe Raymond actually finished his own cup of coke, and then proceeded on to switch cups with me while I was busy helping myself to more curry! Mine was filled with coke while his was empty! So evil! O_O”!


After a heavy and very satisfying meal, we need some exercise! Richard had a whole lot of gadgets for his Wii! We spent the rest of the time playing games~



It was getting late, and we had to leave already.


Once again thanks Richard and Wendy for the generous hospitality, the amazing food and the girls for their wonderful company! We really enjoyed ourselves that night! Had a summon ticket stuck on our windscreen when we went down, but all’s well now that the appeal was successful! Hehehe. Cheers! 🙂


Lots of  ♥,
