Aloha peeps! This is a totally non wedding related posts, but then again this blog is not an entirely wedding related blog anyway. Hehe.
Today we are here to share some news on Dua Pao (hokkien for big cannon) the manja kitty cat who lives at Blk 17 Beach Road.
I don’t know what’s the kitty cat’s name, but ever since I first saw him, I started calling him Dua Pao. Cos he was really, really big sized and fat. When he sits down with all paws tucked in, he looked like a big cannon ball ready to fire off and burst some crates of watermelon. Hahahaha!
I’m not exactly a cat person, but I used to be one when I was much younger. Scratches from cats back then to me was like a normal bruise collected from fights with the boys. Until I grew older…and things changed. I used to be so afraid of dogs cos I didn’t had any good experience with dogs at all. Getting chased by this huge stray dog who tried to pounce on me when I was only a primary school kid happily walking home from school. Then, things changed again with time, and now I have two super naughty Chihuahua with the mentality that they are the boss. I still cannot believe how Bailey barked at 3 husky who chose to remain oblivious about this tiny fella’s existence. -_-”
Anyway, back to the point. I think human needs to reconnect with animals sometimes, not just humans alone. Sometimes you can find more comfort in animals than humans.
Dua Pao is the manja cat according to Susu the cat lover, but to me he is the super aloof and bo chup cat. You can talk to him, shout at him, wriggle papers or plastic bags infront of him but he’ll just stare into empty space. Everytime I see Dua Pao, I’ll call his name. As usual, he will ignore me. But that didn’t stop me. I continued calling him Dua Pao everytime I sees him, until recently he started responding! He’ll either make the effort to raise his head up to look at me, or reply with a meow. SO COOOOOL! I think it’s either he was in pain and trying to communicate for help, or he really likes the name. -_-”
Anyway, Dua Pao is currently at James Tan Veterinary undergoing surgery for his eye which was punctured in a cat fight. If left untreated his eye would have popped from the pressure building up, and he would have lost his eye. Prolly even die due to complications… Below is a picture of Dua Pao with his punctured eye. He used to be so big and round, but now he’s all frail and slim. Not sure if he’s being vain and going on a diet, but most likely not cos there’s also bald patches on his back and he sleeps all day long, and sometimes under the hot sun.
Susu being the cat lover decided to contact Rebecca from Lingcats Cattery ( for help to bring Dua Pao to the vet cos Dua Pao’s eyes were in quite a bad state, oozing pus and all for weeks.
Currently Dua Pao’s total bill at the vet excluding medications stands at $700 so far, and that’s excluding his aftercare at the Cattery which is at $10 a day.
For any cat lovers who would like to donate and help defray some of the medical costs, please contact Susu (Sulin) at the number above, or email her if you have any questions or would like to help in one way or another, or if you have contacts with the Cats Welfare Society too, please let her know as well. Any itsy bitsy bit of help is very much appreciated.
Thank you! 🙂
Lots of Love,
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