Heya!! Raymond is out for wedding shoot at Traders now, and I’m here to share some of the snippets from Terence and Jann’s wedding! Just the morning part, and this time round, I’m trying very hard to pick only a few images to share cos I guess too much images will make the whole blog load veeeery slowly. The rest can be found on our Raymond Phang Photography Facebook page! 🙂


But before I start with the pretty images, here’s a picture of Raymond’s very sexy legs! He got home yesterday from Daryl and Raine’s actual day wedding shoot and we both got a shock when we saw his knees after he came out from the shower. Bruises all over! No idea how and why it happened, but we both suspect it has got something to do with kneeling for an hour to capture the tea ceremony segment at Daryl and Raine’s wedding. Muwahahahaha! Wonder how are the couple’s knees! I guess that’s where the cushion comes into place!! I gotta start sewing shoulder pads in Raymond’s trousers already to prepare for any just-in-case cases. =_=”

Raymond Phang's sexy legs

Here’s Raymond’s sexy legs with Baileys our mascot + security officer. All who come to our studio have to pass his security checks before they can even get near the couch area. He’ll sniff and sniff to make sure you’re not hiding any food in your pocket to munch on secretly in the midst of our discussion. 😛




Jann and Terence actual day wedding

I love this picture because Jann look very bright and radiant here! The night before she couldn’t get to sleep, and it was almost 12midnight already yet she’s still conversing with me via SMS! Must be too gan jiong already. But glad she still managed to keep up the good mood and not appear grumpy! 😀


Jann working hard on her actual day wedding

Hard at work! Hey, it’s your special day!! Throw away the darn laptop!!


Raymond Phang the wedding photographer gets to contribute to the gate crashing

I think very soon Raymond will be famed for his sexy lipstick marks. The sisters were preparing games for gatecrashing and decided to rope Raymond in as well! Jann applied lip gloss on him and got him to put his marking on a piece of paper for Terence and the merrymen to choose. Guess whose lipstick mark did they chose? RAYMOND’S!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Father and Mother putting on the wedding veil for the bride


A kiss from the mother of the bride



Part of the gate crashing where they had to use their belts + shoes to form lovey dovey words… like “Love You”.


Groom at Gatecrashing

Wig reminds me of one of our past couple whose wedding we shot earlier this year in May….


Mother of bride entrusting daughter to the groom

Mummy handing her precious daughter to Terence.


tears of joy from the bride's mum

And she teared. So touching! 🙁


Happy that the daughter is finally married to a good man

I share this love and hate feeling for moments like this. I love it when Raymond managed to capture all these wonderful emotions on frame, yet I hate to see anyone crying. Not because I don’t like it when people cry, but because the feeling of seperation makes me sad. Oh well, gotta get used to it I guess.


Commonly seen in Cantonese tradition - the red umbrella

Love pretty red umbrellas!


Raymond Phang Photography signature car shot

And as always, Raymond Phang’s signature car shot taken during the actual day wedding.


Raymond Phang Photography signature wedding car shot on actual day wedding


Group shot on actual day wedding outdoor with secondary photographer - strobist

They went outdoor for a quickie shoot, and here’s one of the group shots!


Wedding couple back home

Love the framing.


Groom unveiling for the bride

Terence removing the veil for Jann, and tried to wack her with the veil! Muwahahahaha~


Groom adjusting bride's gown

And then… hiak hiak hiak! Love Jann’s smile! Very beautiful! 🙂


Bride's very nice heels


Groom with bride

I super love this one!!! Surprised me when I browsed through the 888 images (Yup! Such an auspicious number!) he took for the morning session and I spotted this! Amazing that even though he’s sick and half dead after a long day of wedding plus only 2-3 hours of sleep the previous night, he still managed to put in the effort to think of something different! So cute! 😀


Outdoor photo shoot on actual day wedding


The veil that looks like a horse

I cropped out this one on purpose just because I like it. Hahaha! It’s for my own personal collection. Raymond did a series for the outdoor and I took out 1 of the images from the series for this. Don’t you think the veil looks like the shape of a horse?? If I didn’t crop it out, the whole picture will look as though Jann is setting off a white horse from the left and it is galloping towards Terence who is standing on the right. Haha.

Hope you guys enjoyed this series! 🙂




Anyway, congrats to Eadwine & Jen, and also Ezra & Twinkle! it’s pretty exciting and interesting to see fellow wedding photographers getting married!! Hehehe. Cheers! 🙂


Lots of ♥,
