This entry was typed over two days cos the mini boss was a little over demanding.

Yesterday, I finished the jar of porridge that i cooked for the mini boss. Porridge cooked with salmon fish stock, organic toufu, sweet corn, shiitake mushroom, cabbage, new crop rice. The ungrateful mini boss was excited when she saw me holding her bowl and was lunging forward with her mouth open while I was mincing down the toufu with her spoon.

Fed her one mouthful, she wanted more, until I fed her the corn. She spat it out and ran away, never to return for more. -____-“. Tried other ways to get her to eat them but failed miserably. So it all went into my stomach instead. It’s ok, the mini boss probably felt I’m too bouncy for her, so she didn’t want me to eat the oily food that Bex cooked. Bex can finish 1 liter of oil within a week I’m so amazed. So I got her 2 liter of oil and asked her to use them sparingly and probably to last them for 2 years. LOL!!

Today on mini boss’ menu would be fish bone broth with threadfin, egg, carrot and spinach with macaroni. Let’s hope it doesn’t become my lunch + dinner because I.Dont.Like.Carrot. ?

Anyway, today I’ll be sharing on the wedding of Michelle & Shao! Love their hashtag – #smckthat. I think couples nowadays are very creative, all got very special hashtag which incorporates both their names or surnames. I can’t even think of one for my own. Too much effort and brain cells usage. ?

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Like all weddings, Raymond starts off at the bride’s. We do have a very handful of rare few weddings that requested for Raymond to start off at the groom’s though.

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Michelle giving mummy a biiiiiig hug.

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

This is was the groom’s entourage of brothers. They were all dressed in gangsta street style. Kinda cool actually and very well matched, don’t you think?

With such a big big entourage of course they weren’t spared of the gruesome gate crashing with lots of drinking I kid you not. What the sisters planned were all alcoholic shots – sour plum welcome shots, jaegarbomb, Guinness stout, Bloody Mary. That makes the 酸甜苦辣。Between the drinking they had some physical task to complete. Not easy wor. But I’m skipping all these cos it’s tough being the neutral party. I cannot give the jiemeis too much idea and cannot appear to be siding with the brides. But hor if you want to see some gatecrash pics for ideas, you can discreetly PM me. ?

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Yay he got the bride!

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Packing Michelle off to the groom’s but first a kissy kiss by Papa.

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Erm… #triplets. It’s true. I was scratching my head when I saw their photos, each appearing at different photos, until I saw the three of them together. They looked so alike! Expecting one baby is already quite tiring, twin is like WOAH, but triplets is OMGOMGOMG!! And to take care of triplets + raise them up to be such fine gentlemen must be one of the toughest job in the world and their Mama has done it so well. Give you one big thumbs up! Respect!

So… Michelle, triplets soon ya? ????

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Love this shot

And all the close up details.. Michelle actually prepared some token for her parents. That’s very sweet of her. The couple also gifted their parents with some staycation treat! Now that your little girl is finally married, it’s time to take a short break and enjoy.

To mama: Thank you for your unending love through all the days of my life. Remember, I will never stop being your little girl. Love, Michelle.

To papa: Thank you for walking by my side today & always. I will always be your little girl. Love you, Michelle.

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Love notes from Michelle’s Por Por (Grandma). I have a habit of keeping red packets with well wishes written on them cos I find it really meaningful. It may be a simple “Congratulations, 早生贵子”,but its effort that they put in to write something for you. And not everyone is good in expressing themselves with words okay… must appreciate all the thoughts.

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Putting on necklace gifted during the Tea Ceremony.

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Fuwah! Cake!!!

The couple held their wedding banquet at Fairmont Singapore.

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Wedding heels. If you want something tall, get these kinda pumps where there’s a platform at the front, with not too much curve off the ground at the front tip. These are easier to walk in and they don’t put as much strain on your ankle. That’s what i feel lah, coming from someone who hates the heels and prefers to be in slippers 101% of the time.

Close up details of the gorgeous sequins and beadings embroidered on Michelle’s gown.

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

All dolled up for the evening!

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Putting on her heels with the ribbon sash which was part of the heels.

Close up details of her white gown.

这位阿姨应该是累到不行。So if you don’t know yet, Raymond shoots everything he sees and whatever that’s happening. The glam/unglam, the smiles the laughter the tears the frowns. Digging nose, scratching backside, dirty winks, stealing kisses, huggings, yawning etc etc etc. All the real moments of whatever that’s happening. ?

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Solemnisation area.

Here’s Shao with his cutesy robot lapel pin.

All ready and waiting for the bride.

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Another word for Reserved? Chope liao. Both the seat and the bride. ?

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Here comes the bride!

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Let the Solemnisation ceremony begin.

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Actual Day Wedding Photography

YAY! You may now kiss the bride!

Previous post i mentioned about the unity candle, sand and “tying the knot”, here’s the sand version.

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Super love them cos they’re so expressive. But please don’t think that the photos are nice because the bride and groom are both eye candy, or because they are very expressive. Every couple is different, every wedding captured has its own “flavour”. Rara weddings or quiet weddings, expressive or not, each has its own amazing stories to be told.

More details at the reception area. Thinking of doing away with the traditional guest book, can consider having well wishes written on these wooden pieces and put into different jars. For this jar, the couple will open it to read them on their 2nd year of happy ever after. You can have 10 or 100s of such jars also can. Up to your creative free play. 😀

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

This particular wedding favor is extra meaningful. Baked by their favourite charity – Movement of the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS). Do you have a favourite charity that you can rope in to be part of your wedding while celebrating your special big day?

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Ballroom of Fairmont Singapore

Wedding cake!

Look at all these hardcore treasures. Yamazaki single malt whisky, Johnnie walker black label, Singleton of Glen Ord scotch whisky etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Time for some candids at the reception.

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Wah, lai liao. Cannot resist, must drink first, even when the food is not served yet.

Here comes the couple!

Sorry, cannot resist sharing the candids. All the happy faces. 😀

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Tell me they don’t look alike. T_T

Yum seng time~

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

Aunt: Girl, lai laaaa, drink one sip only ok? This one is water, not whisky and not champagne.
Girl: Harrrr… water only ah? mai lah…

Speeches time~

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Michelle goes “IS THAT ALCOHOL?”

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang


Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Weeeeee~~ Alcohol makes you fly!

Singapore Award Winning Photographer

For their second march in, the couple was almost drowned in confetti!! Shao could collect them in his hat!

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Nono, this one is not the groom.

Then they were asked on stage to play some games where they had to stuff as much marshmallows into their mouth and try to say something or sing a song. No prizes for guessing who won.

Actual Day Wedding Photography

Couple’s time to give their speech

Auntie very shy, says NO PHOTOS. 😛

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

So on your wedding day, just be yourselves, enjoy the time enjoy the moment, take in whatever that is to come. Raymond will just camp around and fish for candids. When photos are taken at its most natural, i think that’s the most beautiful. Although sometimes we do have some posed shots for aesthetic purposes, but not too much of them unless couple request for more.

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Send off already!

Singapore Award Winning Photographer


Actual Day Wedding Photography

Michelle be like, huh, guy also like to take selfie??

Fairmont Singapore Wedding

Singapore Wedding Photography by Raymond Phang

Usually by the end of the day brides would have removed their heels and either walk bare footed or slippers. Gotcha!


Alrighty! Here’s the end of my sharing session today. I hope you enjoyed the photos as always.

I’m afraid i might not be able to keep up on the daily blogging cos it’s very time consuming actually. To select the photos, resize them, layout or not doesnt matter, then upload to photo hosting site, click on image one by one to get the URL which unfortunately comes in the form of BBCode and this blog site doesn’t take in BBCode, so i have to extract the JPG link individually, paste them individually here one by one, before i can write. If you have a super easier and less time consuming method, please let us know ya? Will save me heeeeaps of time!

Okie dokies, off to clear my backlogs already! Will share on Jacky Cheung’s A Classic Tour next time!! WAS SO AWESOME! 😀

Just had spicy luncheon meat for lunch,