Aloha aloha!

Raymond says we are always late in sharing the news of our latest awards and wins. Erm… actually because I don’t want to make people feel as though we are bragging our achievements. LOL!!! So end up we are always the last one to share of our achievement on Facebook. Ooops!

I understand where Raymond is coming from lah… Like when a kid spent some effort to finish coloring a Dinosaur without coloring out of the outline, the kid will be so proud and start running to daddy and mummy with his/her achievement.

And so… I spent some time tabulating the number of awards he has gotten over the years. A total of 228 to date. Had a hard time tabulating because I don’t update them regularly in a list, so there might be some awards not added into the 228. For those that we have records of, it’s 228.

Over the years, competition has definitely gotten tougher and stronger. Not easy to achieve recognition in International or Worldwide Photography Competition, but glad to know the competition has made us strive for the better. We learn from each other, we improve on our mistakes and as a result got more and more critical of our work. The best from us never seemed to be enough. We always feel that our best is not enough, which can be a really dangerous thing. We give ourselves too much stress and pressure, editing the slightest color toning, or patch on the wall which to almost all our couples they would not be able to tell the difference. But that’s what we are after – giving our couples only the “bestest”.

I can only say… it’s not an easy journey for us so far… the road uphill is long and winding and we can’t see what’s at the end of the road since it’s uphill… and winding… unlike a roller coaster where it’s going down (sometimes up), but you know where you’ll end up at the end of the ride. So we are really thankful to all of our friends and couples who have been with us throughout the years. Some of whom we have managed to keep in touch since the day we started Photography full time. Some of whom have already became parents of a few kids. And to new couples who appreciate what we do, thank you for believing in us and our vision. To our friends, although what we do doesn’t seemed to make sense to you – spending so much time and effort for one shoot – you still supported us in one way or another.

To others who have given feedback and comments on our photos, throwing doubts and what not, getting all technical into the image, we are who we are partly also because of you guys. Thank you for spending time to leave a comment for us.

Personally I feel that a photo shouldn’t be all about techniques. In the olden days when there were no photoshop, what was it in a photo that mattered the most? I feel that we should not lose sight of that very essence in a photograph. Do have a good think about. (:


Bridal Party Wedding Photo with Canoe Polo in Singapore

Good morning, rise and shine! –


Hungry and a little blue,
