You’re The Star Of The Show – Tell The Bridal Photographer What You Want

Weddings don’t start at the first strike of a piano key at the church. A bridal photographer knows that a wedding only starts the moment the bride declares she’s ready for her close-up. And that usually begins upon the time she sits for her hair and makeup. Some even prefer their bridal photography session done weeks before the actual wedding day.

Always remember that the bride is the star of the wedding. That is why every bridal photographer takes great pains to shoot the bride in her most beautiful angle all the time. As the preparation time is the most intimate moment for the woman, it is important that everything captured on print is very tasteful.

Of course there are a few shots of the groom preparing for the actual event, but, as I said, there are a “few” shots. Let’s face it, the wedding is really all about the bride. The groom has a major and very important role, but the bride is undeniably the star of the show.

Therefore, it is just right that she gets all the attention right from the moment she sits down for her hair and makeup. So if every shot seems to be focused on the bride while she preps for her walk down the aisle, it is just natural and even expected.

As a bride, you may want to convey what your wishes are to the bridal photographer before your big day because you may not have time to even notice everything that is happening around you on the actual day. The bridal photographer already has a list of crucial shots to take, but if you have anything to add or want something changed, then you can tell the photographer what you want beforehand.

The usual shots included in the bridal photography are the pictures of the dress, shoes and bouquet before they are worn, the shots of the bride still in her robe, the actual photo of the bride having her hair and makeup done, and lone shots of the bride in her wedding dress.

You can ask the photographer for a specific shot if you wish. And if you are having your bridal photography at an earlier date, you can even book a separate location from the wedding venue.