Today I’m sharing a little bit on Andy and Joyce’s wedding. We have never met this couple before, and they in fact didn’t enquire with us directly. It was through a referral/recommendation that ended up having us shoot their wedding. We’re not complaining and in fact thankful that we got to know these two beautiful souls!

Chatting with Joyce online via WhatsApp, I find her cheerful/bubbly, easy going and friendly. Somewhat like the chin cai kind but when she sets a goal, she makes sure she sticks through it. I think people into sports and fitness have a high level of determination. Like us, her life is fueled by the love in what she does, she has the support of her spouse (Andy) and they are in this together with God as the center of their relationship (now marriage). I didn’t have a chance to interact with Andy at all, cos everything was done through Whatsapp with Joyce so I have no idea how’s Andy like as a person, what are his likes/dislikes, what are the things to look out for on the AD shoot itself when we’re photographing him. No doubt on the wedding day shoot we’re more of the fly on the wall – observing and shooting anything that happen, it’s good to know abit about the couple to best bring out their personality and love stories with photos.

So here we go – Photos from Andy & Joyce’s actual day wedding celebration!

Wedding day celebration of andy & joyce - Photography by Raymond Phang

We started off at the bride’s place. Actually we almost always start off at the Bride’s place, unless couple request otherwise. Cos that’s where we get to shoot most of the stuffs such as gatecrashing preps, bride getting ready, detail shots of the ring/gown/shoes etc, parents veiling, and sometimes even shots of parents/family getting ready, cooking tang yuan etc etc. Lots of things going on at the bride’s side, whereas usually for groom’s side it’s much simpler and the groom doesn’t spend as much time getting ready. Fastest one we know was probably about 10 minutes – wake up, brush teeth, wear clothes, gel hair and see you later!

Singapore Wedding Photographer

Hello Andy! Looking sharp and excited!

A mandatory shot of the groom and some of his bestest buddies. It’s early in the morning and you can see none of the units at both sides of the blocks are lited. Residents still sleeeeeeping!

Wedding day celebration of andy & joyce - Photography by Raymond Phang

Some snippets of the gatecrashing! The xiong di wore a simple white long sleeve top with a pale gold/yellow bow tie. Jiemeis wore this sexy one piece shimmery rose gold plunge neck low back dress. Anyone has a name for this kind of dress??

Singapore Wedding Photographer

The declaration of love and 11 promises to Joyce. They love God so much that they made these the first few top priorities in the list;

I promise to always keep God in the CENTER of our relationship.
I promise to PRAY with you EVERY NIGHT before we sleep.
I promise to seek God FIRST every time we quarrel.

Actually this is one of the first time I see any couple that we’ve shot so far listing down promises as such.

Wedding Photographer

Andy and Joyce, with a traditional wedding portrait of Joyce’s parents in the background.

Candid wedding photographer

Next, we’re off to Andy’s house!! Joyce game enough to stand up for the signature shot of their bridal car in motion. Glad the weather was good that day!

Having some tang yuan and mee sua. That mee sua looks damn… crispy? Like prata! Hahaha!

Candid wedding photographerHeading off to One Degree 15 Marina where they had their solemnization and makan.

Singapore Wedding Photographer

Who can forget the bouquet toss!

Wedding day celebration of andy & joyce - Photography by Raymond Phang

A quick outdoor shoot with the xiong di and jeimei! 8 Sisters and 7 brothers.

Wedding Photographer

Love their shimmery dresses!

And that bouquet of luscious red blooms are one of the prettiest ever.

Singapore Wedding Photographer

Tea ceremony shots. A little bumped that the photos appeared rather small here cos I entered the wrong dimensions when I was doing the layout just for the blog post. End up every collage has a huge white border surrounding the image which nobody will notice and prolly think i entered too much spaces. T_T

Candid wedding photographer

Some detail shots and… food!! Ok next blog post I will modify the layouts so that the photos are much bigger. T_T”

Candid expressions of guests mingling before the solemnization ceremony.

Mei mei pointing finger at Lady be like: “Youuuuuu, next time cannot ask people to throw things on the floor! It’s not right to litter!”
Lady holding petal tio stunned and headache cos kena scolding and later have to pick up the petals.
Mei mei continue to pout at the side.

Wedding Photographer

More candids! I love candids cos they are captures of real emotions and expressions.


Candid wedding photographer

I lift my voice to sing You praise
No matter what life may bring my way
I know that You are
The God of my life
You are the one who holds it all

Wedding Photographer

Here comes the couple, with daddy walking in with Joyce.

Singapore Wedding Photographer

For the OCD, you’ll feel annoyed cos this image is off center. HAHAHA. Oops!

Exchanging their vows, both looking super happy, and their guests equally happy for them.

Kissy Kisses and painting a cross, one stroke each, instead of the unity candle, sand, or tying of the three chords.

Candid wedding photographer

Woohoo!! Officially husband and wife!

Singapore Wedding Photographer

They went out for some quick snaps and group photo with their friends~

Another off center layout. HAHAHA.

Candid wedding photographer

Interior of the ballroom at One Degree 15 Marina, some detail shots of the wedding cake, floral centerpieces, wedding favor.

Basically the couple was literally showered with Gold – gold confetti marching out after their Solemnization, here we have gold confetti again.

Singapore Wedding Photographer


Wedding Photographer

Another gold confetti shower!!!!

Yuuuuuuum Seng!

Singapore Wedding Photographer

Wedding day celebration of andy & joyce - Photography by Raymond Phang

The loving look of a Grandpa.

Candid wedding photographer

Speeches! I know, photos are too small! T_T”

Singapore Wedding Photographer

Wedding day celebration of andy & joyce - Photography by Raymond Phang

Will make them big sized like this next time. But that would also mean more time spent to choose photos and lesser images to share cos I can’t possibly be uploading nearly a hundred shots. =(

Wedding day celebration of andy & joyce - Photography by Raymond Phang

Peek-A-Boo, where are you??

Candid wedding photographer

Usually when couple walk around for their table shots, they will shake hands and have a quick chat with their guests. We don’t stop clicking that camera shutter button even though it’s supposed to be table shots time. Anything we see, we shoot! How else can we capture these candids if we only stand there and wait for the people to get ready and stand/sit in their formation for the table shots right? So whenever i attend weddings and see photographers standing around with their cameras down waiting for I don’t know what, I get extremely angry. You should always be in camera-ready mode right?? How fast can you react when you see something happen that’s worthy of capturing? Bring up camera, focus or adjust setting, by then the fleeting moment would have passed by just like that, right in your face. Want to retrieve that “image” from your memory? Can… but you’ll have nothing to give back to the couple of that fleeting moment which you could have gotten if you were in camera-ready mode!  >:(

This is also why we are grateful for the help of xiong dis and jeimeis who help to pre-arrange the tables ahead, so that we can focus on capturing these precious candids. Thank you very much! <3

Wedding Photographer

Ending the post with a I’m bringing sexy back shot for the jiemeis. I know I know, photos too small. T_T”

Friends of Andy & Joyce can check with them for the photos to have a sense of how we shoot the entire day’s wedding.

OH OH! And also we’ve updated our instagram! If you haven’t followed us, check out our instagram page ya!

Have a great weekend! 😀

Holding my bursting bladder,
