Its now my 4th day at work.

I was typing away when suddenly the National Anthem starts playing from Raymond’s Pc.  How randomly awesome is that?

I’m Sulin and I’m the new fridge digger/newspaper girl and oh yes the new D.I Artist to join Raymond Phang Photography. So far working with Raymond and Angeline has been really fun and I’m learning loads everyday.

Like not locking the toilet door when you need to pee because somehow inexplicably the door refuses to unlock after that. Making you look like a fool banging on the door screaming for your dear life in hopes that someone will rescue you.

I’m sure that you, dear constant reader, will be curious as to how I look like but unfortunately I do not have a recent photo of myself yet. Maybe I’ll take one of myself this monday when I’m dressed in something more atas haha! (I learnt that from Raymond and Angeline too ) I’m such a quick learner aren’t I? 😀

Anyways this is just a quick introduction about myself  and I’m looking forward to growing together with the family/company!

Till the next time I post another entry!

Su 🙂