No really.

I am E.T. (:

Hi everyone, my name’s Tan Eng Teck. I’ll be learning from Raymond and Angeline from now on! I’m a final year student studying Audio-Visual Technology in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It’s a new course studying stage lighting, management, live sound and more! I am the pioneer batch and am now in my final semester starting upon my industrial attachment with Raymond! I hope to make everyone’s acquaintance and be friends with you all! 😀

Do feel free to call me E.T! (:

Nice to meet you everyone!

I especially like taking photos of nature and animals and of the sky. However, I love capturing moments that would otherwise have passed unnoticed. I want to learn this skill and create many such moments for everyone.

Duke10Sept-515(above)The E.T seen under rare lightingP.S. E.T waves “hi!” to everyone! \