Sorry for the delay in updates! Been pretty busy with loads of backlogs and also crazy manhunt for our D-eye (DI) Artist which we would be making some announcements soon! Meanwhile, here are a couple of photos to tempt Agnes and Laurie who are currently based overseas. This was a wedding done a couple of weeks back and when they first visited us, Agnes was so concerned that I might not have food to eat and wanted to reserved a seat during their banquet for me because her day schedule was so tight with one event after another and Laurie jokingly added that the photographer has no time to eat because he will be capturing all these fleeting moments! True to that, I didn’t manage to eat anything that entire day but boy was I glad because we got some truly nice moments from your wedding day! Enjoy! 🙂

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

That’s half of Agnes and half of Laurie!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Can tell Agnes is in elated mood that day. She kicked her legs super high and held it there. Either she doing exercise or she having leg cramp. Anyhow, she has really nice slim legs + feet!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

That’s Laurie with his beloved sister – Liz!
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Both mummy and sister flew in specially for the wedding. I remembered Laurie’s mummy saying eons ago, they need to be onboard ships for weeks before being able to reach Singapore. That was before air travel was commercially and easily available. O_0!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

As you can tell Laurie and Liz shares a very special bond. They are twins if I’m not mistaken!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Mummy having Satay in the middle of make-up. Literally. Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Agnes’s brother, Benjamin, who only arrived  Singapore the day before from his Army stint in Taiwan. Eat more dude!
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

I shot Energy and Ambiance because I can read the future. I purposely choose the 2 words for a reason. Follow the images down and you will see why. Muwahahaha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Laurie sitting like a good little boy. Love his expression! Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Had a little spare time so we did a quick photoshoot at the area.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Stopping at where we spotted good background or prop to use.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Laurie’s mummy must be whispering something naughty to Agnes’ daddy. Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Had no idea why they raised their legs. Probably only reason I can think of is the wet floor. 😛

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Agnes’ daddy was all smiles that day radiantly flashing his mega-watt!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Finally Liz couldn’t hold it in any longer. I guess this is the moment where the tremendous amount of energy is unleashed. The brother she loved and took care of is finally getting married to the nicest girl in the world who so happens to be the girl he loves. It’s the heart warming emotions such as this that makes this job worthwhile. To be invited to see what most people miss and to document down the memories as it happened. The immense feeling to know that nobody could get this shot again because at this precise timing it passed, it was locked in frame forever.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Petal shower! Luckily nobody aimed at their faces! Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

When I was doing this shot they were puzzled and asked why I was shooting their legs. Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

They had their dinner celebration over at Asian Civilisations Museum. Very beautiful and colourful place. I love it!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

One of the band members from Compass Entertainment. Compass Entertainment has been around since 1991, and they have a comprehensive group of musicians from Pianist, Bassist, Violinist, Saxophonist, Harpist, Cellist, Vocalist, and various ensemble! If you enjoy the sound of Chinese instrument, they even have an Er Hu player! If Angeline was there, she’ll go mad and make small talks with the musicians cos she’s crazy about music. Haha!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Starting to have a little dance.
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

I really love reflections as you can tell. Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Agnes’ daddy was so happy he practically went to all table and talk to everybody that night!

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

“Yes, you heard it right! I AM VERY HAPPY TONIGHT!”

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

A relative edging them to kiss, lock lips and hold it there. Haha.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

“Eh, you cannot play cheat I give you so many sweets already you don’t give me kiss!”

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Having an awesome time dancing together!
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography
Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography

Agnes with so much Energy amidst the ongoing applause and Ambiance of the banquet venue.

Here’s the part where I demonstrate the ability to foresee the future. In case you missed out, here’s the picture again.

Laurie and Agnes Actual Day Wedding Photography


The ending shot with Agnes jumping head over heels and Laurie hugging her like never before. Agnes is really in love with that guy!

Alrighty, time to catch some rest before heading out to SwissOtel Merchant Court for Daryl and Raine’s wedding banquet! Then it’ll be Terence and Jann’s wedding tomorrow. I will survive!


Raymond Phang