If you haven’t been to our Facebook Page, do take a moment to Like our page, poke around, sniff around, take a look at the awesome images shot by Benedict Chan and Raymond Phang! Occasionally we’ll have random updates like how Susu cried when she watched the MTV of Guang Liang’s song “童话”. Muwahahahaha!


We have also updated our Facebook with images taken by Benedict Chan for Danny and Connie’s solemnisation celebration at Sheraton Towers Singapore, near the waterfall area. They invited my all time favourite JP – Dr Phua Tan Tee to solemnise their marriage. Danny and Connie is one of the nicest couple we’ve met, and we can’t wait to shoot their actual day wedding end of this year!! 🙂


To view the rest of the images, click on the picture below and it’ll bring you to the album which we have uploaded onto our Facebook page.

Danny & Connie: Solemnisation Photography by Benedict Chan


Till the next post, take care! 🙂


Lots of Love,