Today I’ll be sharing the wedding of Adrian and Joleen… With the Mini boss and Rebecca sitting on the floor just beside me, playing and talking and laughing and screaming damn loudly. My ears and my brain… it is very distracting but the Mini Boss simply refused to stay out of the work room. But good thing is, kids adapt very fast. Mini boss has already gotten used to Rebecca, and sometimes even calls her Mama. Not sure if she even know what’s the meaning of Mama anyway… Prolly cause I’ve slowly delegating some of the care-giving task to Rebecca, like bathing the mini boss. I still prep and cook Mini boss’ meals and put her to bed. Feed her milk, and try to do some meaningful play with her. But i guess my meaningful play is too meaningful for her liking, she prefers to play with Rebecca and she picks things up real fast from Rebecca too. I just hope she doesn’t pick up the bad habits from her because Rebecca cannot stop peeling the skin off her feet, face, lips. Also on the pronunciation of certain things like orleng (orange), zeeroo (Zero) and things that we would say don’t touch, she’ll go “no no touch”. I guess there’s good and bad to everything in life. We just have to weigh the pros and cons, appreciate the good and overlook the bad? Can’t have the best of both worlds, right?

That aside… Our New Zealand trip has been confirmed, Raymond Phang Photography will be heading there this year in May to June. This time we’ll have the Mini boss travelling with us, and we’ll also be taking the virginity of XD Studios!! Muwahahaha! It’ll be their first time stepping on New Zealand soil, filling their nostrils and lungs with the New Zealand air and drowning themselves with SPEIGHTS beer and sausages! Totally cannot wait for the road trip! So for couples who would like to have a photoshoot done in New Zealand, our photo + video team’s airfare has already been taken care of so you don’t have to pay a single cent for that. Like wow right! For those keen in the photoshoot package details, please email to contactme @ Slots are super limited! Don’t say we #bojio.

And also I realised there are silent readers out there! I hope you’ve enjoyed the rubbish i’ve written on this site. I don’t wish for this blog to be all about weddings weddings weddings, because our lives is not all about weddings. You’re sharing that one biggest day in your life with us when you engage our service to photograph your special wedding day, but we’re sharing our everyday life with you through our blog. I guess that’s one of the ways you can get to know more about us. So, we’ll try to update on other stuffs happening in our life besides weddings… provided that we have a life. HAHAHA!

Okay, I’m monitoring the tri-color quinoa with threadfin fish & dried scallop + cabbage + carrot + egg yolk lunch I’m cooking for Mini boss while typing this entry. Hope it doesn’t burn out! Let’s go!~

singapore wedding photography

Adrian and Joleen’s wedding was a rather chillax one. The day started at 8am for Raymond.

international wedding photographer

Sun was beautiful, so Raymond did most of his set up shots outdoor.

singapore wedding photography

Even for the ring shot

actual day wedding photography

Joleen’s super bling Jimmy Choo heels and for Adrian he’s having the Septième Largeur Chausseur Oxfords. Having sial… macam talking about food. 😛

Here’s Joleen having her hair and make up done by Cleo Chang. Cleo is one of the talented makeup artist we’ve worked with, and she’s a very beautiful lady herself too. 😀

international wedding photographer

For Adrian and Joleen, they didn’t have any travelling or fetching the bride customary to go through, so everything started off at their residence. Both parents were there too.

Can tell Adrian really love his coffee, he’s like a barista himself, he made all these coffee art and he even have the pro coffee machine! On the left is a photo of their wedding menu tasting. See already also salivate. I made it small here so you wouldn’t salivate. 😛

actual day wedding photography

Adrian’s turn to get his hair styled by Cleo. Guys have it easy… Grrrrrrr~

Almost done, and here’s Joleen giving mama a hug.

singapore wedding photography

Some detail of her bling.

While waiting for Joleen to be done, Adrian shared with us his impressive collection of crockery pots and knives. Raymond & Susu were both super fascinated cos these items are what the two monkeys love too. -____-“. I’m secretly glad that Adrian didn’t have any collection of torches. If not, that’s it… I need to send Mini boss down to shoot already.

Helping Adrian get ready too.

international wedding photographer

This is very real ok… couples need to eat on their wedding day too! Now I’m craving for some black noodles too. Dammit!

Joleen all ready! She looked so radiant! The make up is very light and natural, and i think bridal make up is the hardest to do cos you have to put on a lot of things but the end results look like nothing much was put on, YET, the bride looks damn good.

Veiling time!

Putting on their respective shoes.

Raymond’s signature shot of the bridal car in motion. You’d have noticed me mentioning this a million times, but this is a must shoot for Raymond at all the weddings he photographed, unless couple request not to.

actual day wedding photography

The couple moved on to the church for their church wedding ceremony.

singapore wedding photography

Location of their church wedding? Blessed Sacrament Church.

Some of the detail shots at the reception before the ceremony begins.

The interior of Blessed Sacrament Church.

international wedding photographer

March in already!

international wedding photographer

Here comes the bride, and ceremony start already must be quiet one mah. So I quiet quiet for the next few photos ok? What a good excuse not to write any captions. Muwahahaha~

actual day wedding photography

international wedding photographer

Ok this one finish the solemn segments already, so can talk liao. Kissy kiss the bride time! Little boy be like facepalm, not kissy kiss again~

Lighting the unity candle.

actual day wedding photography

Like this also cool hor?

End of their church wedding ceremony, they had a small lunch reception after, and a dinner event.

Their dinner was at St Pierre – a fine dining french restaurant, at Sentosa. They’ve since shifted to One Fullerton, a downsize from the 120 seater at Sentosa to the 30 seater at One Fullerton. Chef Emmanuel Stroobant enjoys cooking for smaller groups anyway. That’s how he can focus on the quality, and make it more personal. Just like how Raymond Phang Photography doesn’t take in many weddings too. For conceptualised pre-wedding, only 5 couples a year.

Detail shots at the reception set up.

international wedding photographer

Interior shot of the restaurant, gorgeous place, full length window makes it super magical at the twilight hours. Look at the blue sky outside the window! It’s kinda sad that they’re no longer operating there, but we have to constantly move on yeah?

Details, details! That mini snowman thingy in the middle? I think that’s butter. T_T

actual day wedding photography

And they have an assortment of cheese! Susu almost ran away with the entire cart, no kidding! But we are all professional people, so on the job we must maintain our professionalism.

Look at all the fine wine & whisky to pair!

international wedding photographer

The fooooooooooood! OMG~ They have like the Amuse bouche, bread, pea soup (susu loves pea), tomato tartare, risotto, asperges, beef/fish, flourless chocolate cake/croquembouche. Not all photos of the food are here because I don’t want you to drool all over your keyboard or table. =D~

Wapiang, why you like this! Make us “gian” only!

Candid candid~ The interior of the restaurant was a dim with a mixture of different lights, overall very warm lights. But it makes for nice photos, especially when people’s faces are right within that spot light.

singapore wedding photography

March in cum speech.

Despite being a fine dining restaurant, the whole setting still feels very casual, because everyone could just stand and walk about. The couple were seen all over the place mingling with their friends and family!

actual day wedding photography

All you happy people, bet you enjoyed yourselves!

Joleen is beautiful inside out

She took the effort to write personalised love letters for the guests. Here’s a shot of Joleen seen distributing the love notes.

More candids. And seems like the Abang here on the right is quite expressive since Raymond took another candid shot of him. 😀

international wedding photographer


SEE!! The guests opening up their individual personalised love letter from Joleen! Love & Thanks, for Jingz!

actual day wedding photography

It’s not a short thank you note, thanks for coming, etc kind of love letter. It’s quite a long chunk of words! Don’t believe, ask Willie! Photo too small to see the content of the letter, but i can tell you Joleen writes beautifully too! Her words are really kind and encouraging. <3

singapore wedding photography

Speeches time~

Here’s Abang #2 with a golden jaw dropping shot~ That’s how the asparagus was cooked!

Adrian distributing love notes too!

actual day wedding photography

Hello Chef Emmanuel Stroobant!

*Sneak attack on Joleen*

*Sniff sniff*

Adrian: “You love the chocolate cake so much you smeared it onto your hair as hair mask riiiiight…”

Joleen: “Heh heh heh heh, no la no la…”

international wedding photographer

See, the spot lighting~ Like nice hor?

actual day wedding photography

Couple’s speech time. I really love this wedding cos it’s a small group of close knitted friends + family coming together. No fancy march ins, no template like cake cutting/champagne popping, table shots. Something really casual, personal, intimate, emotional.

actual day wedding photography

Raymond’s actually shooting the guests reflected in the mirror above.

international wedding photographer

It’s a wedding where i don’t see people lowering their heads to play games on the phone, and people stopped to listen when the couple was giving their speech. <3

singapore wedding photography

Big hug to the family members.

singapore wedding photography

I’ll end the entry with a hug from this last shot.

Raymond enjoyed himself a lot shooting this work, so much so that it didn’t felt like he was working. I hope the photos give you a happy cheery vibe on this Monday where most people will be having the Monday Blues~

Have a good week ahead! 😀

Craving for the Black Noodle,
