Yesterday while I was trying to do some work, mini boss crawled over to my desk and pulled herself to stand. She wanted me to carry her up so that she can help me do some work by hitting on my microsoft keyboard and clicking on my Logitech ball mouse. I’ve been using the Logitec M570 mouse for years already and I love it. It saves my wrist from hurting and i’ve never had a sexier thumb. Wahahahaha! For those who don’t know how the mouse look like, can go and google.

So I was trying to distract mini boss by asking her lame questions, like what is Bruce Lee’s favourite drink. It’s…. Water!  Erm… water sounds like WATAH!!!!!… so yeah… geddit geddit? T_T

Anyway, while the mini boss is asleep, time for blogging!! 😀

Today I’m sharing on Seth and Louisa’s actual day wedding photos! Noticed that i’m sharing more on actual day wedding images hor? That’s because we’ve received  feedback from vendors asking if Raymond actually does actual day wedding shoots or not. Yes he does! And erm besides the conceptualised pre-wedding shoots, he also does the traditional bridal portraits. As per my previous post, Raymond shoots EVERYTHING. Hahahahaha!

And I’ve also realised, the images i shared might not be the best of the best from the wedding in your eyes, or even in Raymond’s eyes, but these are just some of my personal favourite. <3


Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

For this wedding, Raymond started off at Louisa’s place, and early in the morning at 6am. He was shooting with Samuel Seah from Simplemotion for this wedding, so he was very onz and looking forward to the shoot since he’ll be working with one of his favourite video partner (we also heart XD Studios and Substance Films lots!).


Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Gown shot. Our digital plastic surgeon trying out a different feel of editing.

Award winning wedding photographer

Some detail shots found in Louisa’s room. Love all the childhood photos… I haven’t read the book 101 secrets to a Happy Marriage, but I bet the content inside must be “Happy wife = happy life = happy marriage”. All 101 of it. Muwahahahahaha~

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

Louisa getting her hair curled.

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Here’s Louisa’ MUA (Makeup Artist) Sammi working her magic, and yeah… Louisa had a lot of pretty gowns to wear on her big day!

All done up!

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

This one is Louisa’s room ok. Got her name on the door there if you cannot see.

Award winning wedding photographer

Yay ring shot ring shot. My favourite~

Didi why you cry? Is it because Louisa jie jie is getting married to Seth kor kor and not you? Teeheehee~


Seth got the bride! This one is not I skip the gatecrashing part, but is their wedding totally didn’t have any gatecrashing~

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Wah, like every groom will put on the heels for the bride hor? How come my groom didn’t put for me? -_____-“


Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Raymond’s signature shot of the bridal car in motion – Rain or shine!

So fast reached already.

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Love this kind of foreground background shots that tells a story.

Seth was so farnie, he was literally taking selfies here and there during his own wedding. Can see he really enjoyed himself!

Award winning wedding photographer

Time to feed some munchies~ Some eat eggs, some eat tang yuan, so it’s all different. Have to check with your parents or grandparents ok? Don’t follow blindly hor. For mine… we had 2 eggs with mee sua and red date and some thingy inside which i cannot remember. But we only ate once! Didn’t eat anything at my parent’s. Wah also quite heng cos i don’t really like to eat all these. If they give like chocolate cake or ice cream then different story… 100 tubs for me please! Tea ceremony you all can ownself carry on. 😀

Award winning wedding photographer

See see! More selfies! 😀

So happy~

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Louisa changed into a blue gown as her “Kua”.

Then the couple had a mini shoot at Conrad hotel with their entourage~ I remember this remark in their itinerary – Please be sneaky and don’t get caught by Groom’s parents. I hope Seth’s parents are not reading this. Hahaha! But i thought that remark was interesting. Usually i’ll look through the itinerary and liaise with the couple, then i’ll condense the itinerary and note down the important pointers for Raymond. So.. i really got read one ok! 😛

Award winning wedding photographer

A mandatory sisterly shot.

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

And a shy shy want to kiss don’t want to kiss shot. Hahahaha~

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Still no kissy kissy~  See, their mouth still not touching! 😛

Award winning wedding photographer

It’s okie, we won’t force de. If you don’t feel comfortable, let’s drop it and move on to our favourite… CANDIDS!

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Louisa’s Papa chilling before the start of the solemnization.

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

The solemnisation room – Conrad Suite outside the Grand Ballroom.

Seth and everyone else waiting for Louisa. And from this picture, can you tell by the head of the solemnizer who did the couple engage to be their JP??

Louisa and papa!

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Well well well, it’s my all time favourite Dr Phua Tan Tee!!! Haven’t seen him in action for a long while already, it’s good to see him again!

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

A humorous Justice of Peace, fatherly figure, speaks English and Mandarin and a little dialect if i remember correctly. He’s not one to make the whole ceremony tensed and solemn, so you can be assure to catch smiles and laughters here and there.

But of course for kids who don’t understand what the whole ceremony is about, they read books at some corner.

So cute!

Award winning wedding photographer

Vow finish, exchange ring ok? I remember my wedding vow was super no effort cos we didn’t have time… or rather we didn’t prioritise our work life the way it should be which was kinda sad. So when Dr Phua arrived, he handed us a choice of 3 different vows to choose from. We picked the shortest one. -______-“

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

Woahhhh, what are you whispering to ah ma?

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

Dr Phua seemed to have lost weight cos his coat was pretty oversized. =\

Award winning wedding photographer

Ah ma so happy~ 😀

Okie everyone, the moment that you have been waiting for, I present to you Mr and Mr Liew!

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Muacks Muacks!

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Overall shot of Conrad’s Grand ballroom.

Some detail shots. I love detail shots and candid shots.

Award winning wedding photographer

Photobooth time!

Award winning wedding photographer

Their stage set up with the giant LOVE word decor.

And the couple marches in~

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Cut cake! I was super tickled when I cut my own wedding cake. Cos it’s like made of some foam material, there’s a pre-cut slit there to insert the knife. No, the cake monster didn’t have a real wedding cake cos her idea of the wedding cake she wanted was weird with fish tanks involved. So end up we kept everything simple. Heh heh heh~

The pretty emcee making an announcement for Louisa’s 2nd sister – Lynette’s special performance!

Lynette’s 自弹自唱 was so good she can 开演唱会了。

Award winning wedding photographer

Louisa’s second march in evening gown.

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

Actually i quite like Seth’s tie also.

Details details… Seth’s initial embroidered on the cuff of his sleeve.

Seth has been a dutiful husband. He helped Louisa clean her heels when Raymond wanted to take photo of it. See, no need gatecrashing, no need declaration of love also can one. I guess Seth has already read the 101 secrets to a happy marriage book and understood the essence of it. Well done! Hahahaha~

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

The couple actually danced in for their second march in~

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding


Champagne popping and yum seng time!

All their teeth damn healthy, no cavity! Which pretty dentist you all visit ah? Must be go there regularly that’s why teeth so clean. 😀

Award winning wedding photographer

Speeches and candid time!

Uncle was so touched he cried tears of joy. Really.

Then who knows, Louisa prepared something to surprise Seth!

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

She sang beautifully!

No your eyes are not playing tricks and this is not photoshopped. Raymond somehow manage to find some mirror or reflective surface and took this brilliant shot!

Award winning wedding photographer

And it’s so brilliant he could even capture the reflection of Seth who was actually standing at the left side, out of the frame! Understand what i meeeeean?

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Of course have to give a kiss for effort!

Yay more candid time! This frame has all the babies and kids!

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

The rest of the frames have guests smiling and laughing and having a damn good time!

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

Seth, we caught the culprit who made you drink yucky alcohol mix!!

Ah ma says, why liddat leh? Why Seth finished everything don’t leave some for me leh?

Mei mei opens mouth because she also wants…

Seth and Louisa Singapore Wedding

OH~?? If ah ma and mei mei both also want, that glass of alcohol mix must be something good!

Someone added weird chilli and sauces inside and they think is good stuff! Hehehehehehe~

Singapore Wedding Day Photographer

No no no, cannot believe what jie jie in white above is saying. We must ninja our way to get to that glass of potent alcohol mix!

Award winning wedding photographer

Hmm.. How about using some 美人计? Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Singapore Wedding Celebration by Raymond Phang Photography

Hehehehe~ Pardon my nonsense caption, quite fun to use the different expressions to tell stories, which is actually untrue… or true?? :p

Last selfie to end the entry!

Hope you guys enjoy this series!!! I love the photos too! Till the next time, have a happy Tuesday! 😀

Thinking of Sushi,
