I think Susu took these images for us 2 years back on 1 November 2011. We were back from shooting James and Serena’s conceptualised pre-wedding on that day. OMG TIME FLIES!!!


You see, a bridal pre-wedding or even conceptualised pre-wedding photoshoot with Raymond Phang Photography typically starts at 7am. Around 6.30am we will have to reach the venue, shift all the necessary lighting equipment out and set up our lights, mark our positions and do a final confirmation of the angle etc and wait for the couple to arrive.

Before the shoot we will do our online homework and find a few desired location. Then 1 or 2 days before the shoot day itself we will do a final location scouting just to make sure that everything that we wanted for the shoot are still in place. Like for example if we want to shoot this particular tree, we have to make sure that the tree is still standing there. Else imagine how we will all panic if on the shoot day the tree we wanted is no longer there anymore. Nobody is going to enjoy the photoshoot session for sure cos we’ll all be so stressed up thinking about what to do next. Nobody likes to go to a shoot unprepared especially in Singapore where we have to literally beg for beautiful sky and weather.

So back to the photoshoot schedule. We start shooting at 7am, prolly break around 10ish 11am, drive to the nearest petrol kiosk and rob all the drinks in their fridge or drive to somewhere nearby to grab some quick bite, head back to office to download memory card, rename, backup, charge camera batteries, charge all batteries for the rest of the equipment, then proceed with operation “pass away” – fall into deep sleep. HAHAHAHAHA!!

Some couples choose to continue with indoor and then end the day before evening, some couples would like to have some evening shots so we break for awhile in the noon and continue again in the late afternoon/early evening.

So this is what it looks like when we proceed with operation pass away – we sleep anywhere and everywhere;

Pigs @ Work 1
We get to snuggle up to Bailey and Satin the two naughty Chihuahuas.


Pigs @ Work 3
The poor doggies got all squashed up by us but sometimes they really like being squashed so they’ll doze off and fall asleep with us. Sometimes only… HAHAHA!


Pigs @ Work 2
Tired until didn’t even bother to take off the cap.


Pigs @ Work 4
As for Ben… the cushion works.


Pre-Wedding photoshoot can be quite tiring for couples, especially the conceptualised pre-wedding photoshoot which is also physically demanding, so we don’t really advise doing a 10 or even 12 hours shoot in Singapore. Imagine if we start at 7am, it means the bride will have to wake up at prolly 4.30am to have the hair and make up done (usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours). And also you’ll have to factor in travelling time to location and with the traffic jam, you’ll prolly need to start earlier.


Not forgetting the hot humid weather in Singapore, with the layers of clothes the groom have to wear, with the uncomfy tight and heavy gown the bride have to wear… that’s really pure madness!


But of course if couple insist on doing a 10 – 12 hours pre-wedding shoot, we’re also cool with it! Afterall it’s about what the couple wants and we tough nuts at Raymond Phang Photography are more than capable to perform the entire day! 🙂

