Blink of an eye, we are already coming to the end of August 2010 soon!! I still remember when I was a kid, my grandma and mum used to feed me little nuggets of advices stories to scare the shit out of me. But there’s one kinda interesting one which I really enjoyed when I was still a kid. During the Winter Solstice festival, I’ll get to eat tons and tons of glutinous rice balls (tang yuan). But as a kid, I didn’t quite like the sticky texture of the glutinous rice ball. So one day, perhaps in a bid to make me eat more of the glutinous rice ball, either my grandma or my mum told me this; for every one glutinous rice ball I eat, I will grow a year older. You know, kids always hope they can grow up quickly and be like adults. They put on their mum’s lipsticks, wear their mum’s heels, and play with things like masak masak and lots of play pretend stuffs.
So I thought what a great way to grow up quickly and be like the adults! End up for all the remaining Winter Solstice festival, I never fail to stuff my face with the glutinous rice balls which came in various fillings such as peanut, black sesame, red bean etc. Come to think of it, I was so darn naive to believe! And guess what, I scooped the number of glutinous rice balls into my ball accordingly to the age I wanted to be. Then I asked them does it mean that if I am 10 years old and I eat 10 this year, I’ll be 20 years old? But what happens if next year I’m already 20, means I cannot eat anymore else I’ll become 30 years old? No. Apparently there’s a COUNTER RESET for every year. *Faints*
Now that we have all grown up to be young adults already, I wish I can vomit out all the glutinous rice balls I ate and turn back the time. Things are happening real fast, and moments kept whizzing by like the wind. Too fast for me to catch, too quickly disappeared. I only hope every single adult who happens to be reading this will really slow down their pace, listen to their own heartbeat and breathing. Don’t waste your life by doing nothing at all or being too busy. Indeed moderation is the key to life.
Anyway, on 5 August 2010, Raymond attended the award ceremony for the ASEAN Young Photographers’ Award 2010. He was the award recipient representing Singapore and he had to dress in the national dress or formal attire. With Time as the limit factor, we were not able to source for an appropriate national dress for Raymond, and being bugged with truckloads of work to do, we could only fly down to Zara at Vivocity to do a super last minute shopping on the day itself with Chris Woon being the fashion consultant. I’m kinda used to calling him Lao Woon though. Muwahahahaha!
So for those who haven’t seen Raymond in formal, here’s a few pictures taken along the corridoor of our studio at Central.

Lao Woon helped a lot with the selection of outfits, which inner shirt to match with the coat, what color for the tie goes best with the overall look etc! Next time if any guys need to go shopping can ask Lao Woon along! He’s pretty fashionable and very straight to the point, nice will tell you nice, not nice will tell you not nice.
That’s Raymond with his award.
And lastly, a solo picture on its own.
Now that the event is over, the entire outfit goes right into the wardrobe to grow mushrooms. I was telling him the next time he’ll be wearing it would probably be our ROM, or Actual Day wedding already. HAHAHAHA! =p
Speaking of wedding, here’s some images from Andrew Gabriel & Sylvia’s actual day wedding taken during their banquet day. The first half of the wedding was the Church ceremony done at Church of St Mary of the Angels, which we have uploaded some of the images to our Facebook Page. Feel free to click over to our Facebook Page at and have a look! 🙂
The dinner banquet was held at The Regent hotel Singapore.
Preview of the ballroom and decor.
Here’s Sylvia at the pre-dinner reception.
The couple had sword bearers for their first march in, and the second march in was something special.
Sylvia had her make up and hair done by Jean Aw.
SO STYLO MILO!! Holding a videocam on one hand and a camera on the other, but recording and snapping together at the same time! O_O”!!
Almost all the guests were seated, couple ready to march in soon.
I’ve always enjoyed looking through images with sword bearers present during the wedding. No particular reason, but I thought the guys looked really smart in their uniform! Kekeke!
Some of the guys will make things “difficult” for you, they’ll cross their swords and either make the couple kiss each other, or make the groom carry the bride all the way to the stage.
I love beautiful wedding cakes!
While the guests were happily mingling away, the couple were up at their suite getting ready for the second march in.
One of my favourite images!

And this as well! I love the series probably because personally for me, the feel is there. The subtle and abstract forms.. something like you don’t have to explain much or show everything, so it allows even greater room for people to exercise their creativity and interpretation!
The couple rode in for their second march in, and this particular image got us a first place in the 2010 Q1 Wedding Photojournalist Association contest for the ceremony category.
It’s not an easy feat for the couple to ride in, because the flooring of the ballroom was really slippery even with the red carpet! But very glad that everything went well smoothly for them! 🙂
Next comes the couple’s first dance.
Off to mingling and farewell.
One of my favourite image too! Hahahahaha!!
Ending the night back at the hotel room re-watching the express photo montage we did for them.
Andrew and Sylvia invited us and the brothers+sisters who helped out at the wedding to their new place last month and we had a feast of yummy food! They had a cement screed flooring done up for their kitchen, and their place look really cosy with the long wooden table + benches. Very raw feeling, both Raymond and I love the idea to bits! Hehehe! We’ll see you guys again soon when Satin is abit more settled down and we’ll let Satin, Bailey and Rusti have a ball of a time k!! Hehehehe~



On a side note, ever since we shifted to SOHO 1 @ Central a year ago, we haven’t share any images of our studio yet. Here’s one taken without the lights on. It’s actually a loft with a ceiling height of about 4.5m to 4.75m, which is more than enough for us to build a mezzanine floor to make it a duplex. A little complicating, so we will probably consolidate a few images to share for the next entry especially when there’s a frequent “breakout” of fireworks these few days due to the Youth Olympic Games.

Susu might also be sharing some of her awesome cat images which were selected for exhibition!! I’ll go bug her on Monday to blog! Muwahahahaha! Good night! 🙂
Lots of ♥,
