Some images from Bowen and Nadia’s wedding to share! They celebrated their wedding over a span of two different days – first day with gatecrashing and solemnisation ceremony at Oosh (Dempsey Road), the second day they had dinner banquet at Shangri-La Hotel (Tower Ballroom). And because the prevous entries are filled with too much wordings like ants crawling on the screen, I shall keep this short and sweet! Enjoy! 🙂


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Heard from Raymond that one unique point of Christian Louboutin’s shoes is the signature shiny red lacquered soles! You must be wondering why there’s like at least two images of this pair of shoes. Actually it’s a surprise gift Bowen got for Nadia from Paris!


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Taking the time during make up to memorise the wedding vows. Scaaaary! Makes me feel like it’s exam timeeeeee~


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Shaun Lee the make up artist & hairstylist for the day.


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Here’s Bowen with a bouquet of big red roses in hand, looking all bright and cheery!


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Gatecrashing is fun! For couples who find gatecrashing meaningless, maybe you can try looking at it from another point of view. I’m sure the gatecrashing segment will be one of the most memorable part of your wedding day. Perhaps you find it meaningless for the groom and merrymen to suffer while being forced to lick cucumbers and eat wasabi + tobasco filled bread. I do agree to a certain extent that it’s pretty pointless, but it’s all in the name of fun! Life would be so dull and mundane if everything is to go according to plan and perfection, if everything is to be judged by face value.


If you’d like it to be meaningful, maybe you can think of meaningful gatecrashing games like getting the groom to chain a necklace using the available materials your sisters have for them etc. At least you get to keep the necklace at the end of the day even though most probably you wouldn’t be wearing it. It’s something your beloved hubby make for you (probably that’ll be the only piece of jewellery he’ll ever make for you too! You know… Guyyyyyss). It’ll be something which I guarantee you’ll cherish, and something for you and your hubby to look back and laugh together when you both grow old. 🙂


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

The auspicious red thunder granny undies for good luck! Huat ah!


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Bowen holding a piece of mini polaroid. Guess what’s in the picture!


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Yoga poses!


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Very happy for the couple that they have spontaneous friends who are willing to play along!


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More yoga poses


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The gorgeous sisters!


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Poor brother, had to sacrifice and stretch with all his might to mimic the pose shown on the mini polaroid.


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer



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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Solemnisation at Oosh.


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Here’s Sumei marching in together with the flowergirl. Actually it’s quite a small world because Nadia actually knows Anamika (one of the couple whom we photographed for their solemnisation and banquet last year)! I only found out about it until I saw Sumei appearin in one of Nadia’s past photographs when I was doing the childhood montage!


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Daddy handing over his daughter to Bowen. That’s their Justice of Peace – Mrs Chia Swee Tin.


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

After exchanging the vows and “mini handcuff”…


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

You may now kiss the bride!


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer

Then they changed into the Cheongsam, head back home for Tea Ceremony.


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Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Raymond Phang Photography - Actual Day Wedding Photographer


Hope you guys enjoyed this series! Will try to update an entry on their evening banquet once we’re done with the edit! Cheers! 🙂



Lots of ♥,
