How’s you guys surviving with the spring cleaning so far? Guess what… we haven’t started… HAHAHA! We’re so gonna be in deep chocolate sauce. No doubt our place is small and should be relatively easy to clean, but we just don’t have the time. And worse thing is we do not have a storeroom or bomb shelter, so there’s no place where we can just dump our stuffs in. Hohoho… We’ll see how it goes… :p


Here’s one photography of Susu and myself in one of the suites at Ritz Carlton while Raymond set up his angle for a bridal pre-wedding photoshoot for Tse Yu and E’Shan. Yup, one of the photoshoot location is in Ritz Carlton. Teeheeheehee.


Sometimes Susu and I are weirdos. On some mornings, we’ll be dead like zombies. But on some mornings, we’ll be crazy like energizer bunnies.


This was one of the days;


Bridal Pre-Wedding Behind the Scene in Singapore - 01



I have more of the behind the scenes in my phone! But they’re really unglam and Susu will keeeeeel me for uploading. So, too bad, only one of the nicer ones for you guys. :p


Shoo shoo, quick go catch up on spring cleaning and shopping! I’ll catch you guys around! 🙂



