I have something I want to share! It’s actually a little fear of mine. It only grew on the 2 March when I went to Doctor Bernard Cheong’s clinic at Bukit Batok for consultation. There was a long queue, so after registering myself, I sat at a corner and started flipping through the stacks of magazine. I don’t usually flip magazines, because personally I don’t like to read fashion/beauty magazines. They usually make people like me depressed and gives me the wrong impression to form the wrong perception. Ah, you get the drift. I’m however really interested in reading materials related to medical science, technology, world and nature, but very rarely the business reads. 🙂

So I started flipping through the stacks of magazine, and every magazine managed to catch my attention. A lot of magazines were on the Watches, and that’s when I got more and more interested in them! Now I’m pretty scared that the interest will grow! Cos you need a lot of moolahs to keep up… =_=”…. Anyway, a few pictures of the watches to share! Watches which caught my eyes when I flipped through some of the magazines, one of which was The Peak.

Image Source: http://ablogtoread.com/2008/06/15/experience-with-the-dewitt-wx-1-concept-a-watch-defying-convention-with-unorthodox-yet-timeless-composure/

The DeWitt WX-1! Super duper pretty! O_O”!!!

Image Source: http://www.watchtribune.com/blog/post/2008/04/SIHH-08-Roger-Dubuis-KingSquare.aspx

This one is KingSquare, ladies version by Roger Dubuis. Super pretty too right??

Image Source: http://www.hrluxury.com/watches/rolex-watches/rolex-yacht-master-ii-gives-regatta-lovers-a-chance-to-count-it-down

I’ve always thought that Rolex are all the same, in old gold color, for old people. I must have been hiding in the mountain hole for toooo long! This is Rolex’s Yacht Master II, and it’s so pretty as well right??

All the expensive watches. Maybe I should learn photography and be a watch photographer! Then I can see all the pretty watches in real life and put my fingerprint all over them. Wahahahaha. 😛

Anyway, here’s something really sweet to share! The other day Raymond and I met up with a couple – Jonald and Yutong. Before our meeting, I was jokingly asking Jonald over SMS how do we identify each other since we’ve never met before. Then I jokingly suggested that we carry a rose each for identification purposes. So Jonald asked how about Sunflower… And I jokingly replied cannot, sunflower seed then can. So the half of the day passed by with our meeting of few other couples, and when Jonald + Yutong came, Jonald placed a plastic bag on the table and shove it infront of me. The plastic bag has this really inspiring words printed on it “Live Well”. O_O”!!

I took a peep into the bag and saw something which I have never expected at all!!! MY GOODNESS!! A SUNFLOWER & PEPITA BAR!!!

Raymond and I dropped our jaws cos we were sooooooooooo shocked and surprised by this!! OO_OO”!!

I didn’t know where to hide my face because I didn’t prepare any sunflower nor roses, cos I was really joking all along! Almost felt like digging a hole, or burying my face in Raymond’s tummy for the rest of our meetup with them. =X

Seriously, it’s been a real long time since Raymond and I felt this way. Super duper ultra hyper flubber rubbery surprised!! It’s no wonder Jonald managed to capture Yutong’s heart. Hehehehe. Oh by the way, Yutong is really pretty! She looked like this Hong Kong actress – Myolie Hu Xing Er (胡杏兒)!!

Image Source: http://img.ent.tom.com/images/heyuan/050217huxinger1.jpg

Hehehe. Now we have a general idea how she’s gonna look like on her wedding day already. 😛

Anyway, a few pictures to share!! It says BE NATURAL, so we were trying to be our natural self when posing with the bar.

The plastic is a little misty cos we really really really couldn’t bear to eat it, so we placed it safely in the fridge! But honestly, we were sooo tempted to try it! 😀

More of the Be Natural. Been a long time since I last shot with the dummy camera after it’s memory card got infested with the sicko About.Brontok.A virus.

Okie, my turn to Be Natural! Be Natural means to show all the wrinkley lines and pimples and scars!

A super big Thank You to Jonald and Yutong for the sunflower bar!! We’ll be counting down to 7 November 2009 for your wedding too! Hehehe.

Back to work already! Cheers! 🙂

Lots of ♥,


Singapore Photographers