What makes Susu the fastest runner in the world? Cos she gets to do intensive training at Raymond Phang Photography! If you’ve noticed flying veil shots around in our photographs, those are not photoshopped, and unfortunately we do not always have strong wind to carry the veil up in the air. All thanks to special human veil throwers like Susu, myself, sometimes Lester/Ben/Ryan, especially Susu.

Ok, maybe she’s not the fastest runner in the world. Maybe the fastest runner in Raymond Phang Photography.

And over the years, she has developed this particular set of skills; skills she have developed over a very long career. Skills that makes her a nightmare for people like me. Muwahahahaha!! It’s called the Ninja Skill!

Behind the scene Bridal Pre-Wedding Photography at Sentosa Cove - 4

You see in this photo, Susu was busy tucking the veil for Adeline. Wind was sooooo strong that day it kept tugging Adeline’s veil, causing her some minor discomfort cos the veil was attached to her hair. Unfortunately the wind was flying in unpredictable directions. So Susu helped Adeline to collect the veil before Adeline let go of the veil for Raymond to catch a shot.

Susu still had to throw the veil, and Raymond’s instruction for Susu was to throw the veil and “siam” (get herself out of his frame). Susu could have dived into the water but she was rather afraid that she’d be gobbled up by a colossal salmon who’s been waiting for years to take revenge ever since Susu binged on all the fresh sashimi in New Zealand for the past few years. So instead of the water, Susu decided to squeeze herself behind the tall coconut looking tree. She wanted to climb up the tree but was afraid that her monkey tail will grow out once she started climbing, so she decided to just stay put, squeeze herself as much as she can behind the tree.

We haven’t share the “After” photo on Facebook yet, so I guess I can share it tomorrow! 😀

We have been constantly updating the Facebook Page and Instagram with different stuffs over the different platforms, so do check it out ya?

