Good morning world!! Raymond and I have been super busy recently, and personally I quite dislike the month of February this year. >:(

Being super busy is a good thing, so that one cannot complain. Being super busy with things that we enjoy doing, that’s supposed to be a good thing! But the folks always tell us too much of any one thing is bad, which is very true…

I cannot remember which incident was the beginning of the February nightmare, but let’s just start from Raymond’s jaw problem which began way before the CNY. The X-ray was fine, he was referred to a couple of doctors, even to the dental clinic, but they only gave him painkillers, advised him to talk less and avoid eating food which requires a lot of strength to chew. Until today, the pain spreads to the eardrum, and to the head. I really hope it can only get better after a consultation with the Chinese Physician at Chien Chi Tow – Bendeemer yesterday evening.

February is also the month I tripped and fell on the rough grounds. Feels like a piece of pork lard being slammed violently onto the floor with a gigantic force. I was carrying 3 wedding albums together with DVD box, my nanny bag which has a lot of stuffs inside. So everything flew out from everywhere, and it took me quite a long while to get up. I thought maybe I’ve sprained or fractured a bone here or there since it was hurting quite badly from the inside. Nobody was around to help me up, I had to gather all my belongings and picked myself up slowly. I almost cried! Limped my way to the nearest place to sit.

That was right after I SMS-ed Ho Wei to inform him that we’ve received his deposit for booking confirmation in the mail. I cannot believe how coincidental the events were happening concurrently over both our sides when I saw his reply. Long story, but that’s not the main point. I only hope I write about some Toto entry and he happens to read it. Then I will win Toto (even though I don’t bet). Hahaha!

Carried on to meet Teck Yong and Wan Ling at Bugis with a growling tummy and limping leg, but actually I feel really happy that our meet up lasted almost 4 hours! Haha! Simply enjoy chatting with couples! Then I was looking through Kenneth & Jojo’s wedding pictures while the guys were having casual chats, and I suddenly missed them. So I sent them an SMS before heading for dinner after the meet up concludes around 12 midnight. Edwin and Eunice whom we met few days back were also really fun people to talk to! 😀

Then I started to have some personal thoughts about the fall. Trying to recall when was the last time I actually fell down physically, and how did I managed to get up. When was the last time I fell (not physically this time), and how did I manage to get through the dark period. In fact, that very fall I had triggered an alarm and sets a reminder telling me that every person will fall someday, and every person will face the tough times. We don’t cry, because it doesn’t make us any less painful. We just have to take a short rest if we have to, and then pick ourselves up after that! Even without anyone around, you can do it! But if you’re not willing to help yourself in the first place, I give you a billion helping hands also no use. =_=”

Perhaps it was the very irregular mealtime hours, I developed a really bad gastric few days later. The worst I’ve ever had so far. Raymond almost sent me to the Hospital since the gastric pills didn’t work, but I insisted that he let me curl up at home to rest. Glad it was over by the next morning.

After that, down with sudden attacks of cough which is becoming so irritating and frequent now at night, terrible blocked nose so it’s hard to breathe properly, not forgetting the throat which felt like thorns were growing inside!

Last night when I was sleeping, I dreamt about eating Yu Sheng (must be very hungry!!) and I got woken up because I actually bit my lips! O_O”!

Physical booboos aside, Raymond’s desktop had some critical problem as well! But luckily we’re the very kiasu people so we always do checks and backups of  all the photos and datas once we get back from all the shoots. We had to spend quite a sum of money to upgrade and stabilise the whole system. Glad it’s up and running now, except for some ftp server issue cos Raymond switched to using the wretched Windows Vista 64 bit instead of Windows XP!

Next, my laptop caught some weird About.Brontok.A virus, end up my dummy camera’s memory card was infected too!! There goes my pictures! It then spread over to Raymond’s laptop… =_=”…

I don’t know what other yucky things are going to happen to us, but I can only wish February will go away very fast since it seems to be a yucky month! And of course, let’s hope that March onwards will be way better!!

Tsk. I’m missing all our couples now actually… But I guess everyone has been busy with their lives, especially so after embarking on a new journey. I hope they’re all doing good now. 🙂

Alright, gotta go!! Good night! 🙂

Lots of ♥,

– Angeline