
Was telling one of our couple Ivan and Doreen that I didn’t realise weekend is over until I saw Susu in the office today. Hahaha! Darn!! Where’s my weekend?!?! I haven’t even had my weekend yet! -_-”

The lunar new year is coming really really soon [OMG NEXT WEEK!!!] and we’re still struggling with editing backlogs, darn mad busy with upcoming conceptualised pre-wedding shoots [really hope everything will go well and if not, much better than expected]. No time for spring cleaning, no time for CNY shopping, no time to help out parents with any prep. *shakes head*

Last time when I was young [yes, now I am a very haggard yellow face old pok], CNY was pretty much enjoyable. Get to go shopping, squeeze with the crowds at Chinatown when I followed my parents around buying goodies, finishing up all my favourite goodies at my relatives’ place. The not so enjoyable part comes when relatives start asking questions like;


– How’s your studies?
– Going JC or Poly?
– Which University you want to go?
– What course you want to take?
– Got boyfriend already?
– What you working as?
– What’s your boyfriend working as?
– How much you earning?
– How much your boyfriend earning?
– Where your boyfriend stay?
– How many people in your boyfriend’s family?
– When getting married?

AND when you finally got married, naively you thought that’s the end of the questioning. THEN comes the part when are you having a baby?

For some of my friends, the questioning didn’t stop even when they already have a baby. They’ll get new questions like when are you having another baby? HAHAHA!!

Headache ah!!

Maybe this time round I will do the asking before they even have a chance to start asking. :p


I don’t suppose we will have time to update the blog in the next few days cos we’ll all be out photographing conceptualised pre-wedding for Junhao and Janet. So if you guys miss us, can follow our Instagram or Facebook Page for impromptu updates okie? I’ll try to snap unglam shots of Raymond and Susu and Ryan and secretly upload on Instagram. That’s if I have my hands free from holding any lights and photography equipment at the shoot. Hehehehe.


To end off this entry, here’s a photograph of us monkeys at a conceptualised pre-wedding photoshoot for Veiverne and Debbie at the Hougang United Football Club.

Conceptualised Pre-Wedding Behind the Scene Raymond Phang Photography


Cheers!!! 😀


